Sunday, 20 September 2015

THAT YOU MAY HAVE PEACE: Devotion for Monday September 21, 2015

THAT YOU MAY HAVE PEACE   Monday September 21, 2015

Text: John 16:28 – 33a              Memory verse: v 33a

In our bible reading, Jesus plainly described His entire mission – He was incarnated (came from the Father), He was made a human being in order to secure the salvation of human beings (into the world), and He would be resurrected from death and ascend back to the glory from which He came (return to the Father). The disciples finally realized that Jesus had been speaking of His departure to the Father which led to John 16:29. Jesus’ repeated predictions of his imminent death, resurrection, and ascension (7:33; 10:11 – 18; 12:23 – 24, 30 – 36; 14:1 – 5, 15 - 31; 16:5 – 7) finally left their mark on the disciples. Now they were convinced that Jesus’ knowledge about future events marked Him unquestionably as the Son of God.

The disciples believed Jesus’ words because they were convinced that He knew everything. He even knew the questions on their minds before they asked them (16:19). Their belief was only a first step toward the enduring faith they would receive when the Holy Spirit came to live in them. Jesus said all these for them to have peace when they start happening. The essence of the Bible is to build our faith that we might have peace in this evil world. Therefore make the bible your best companion.

Food for Thought: John 14:27

Prayer: Lord, may your word be well rooted in me so that I will not be troubled by the problems of life in Jesus name. 

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