WILL YOU DIE IN FAITH? Sunday September 20,
Text: Hebrews 11:13 – 16 Memory
verse: v 13
faithful ones so far described in this chapter died without receiving what God
had promised them – the promise of the new, eternal city (see 11:10). But these
heroes saw and welcomed the promise even though it was, as it were, from a
distance. These people of faith died in their faith without receiving all that
God had promised, but they never lost their vision of heaven (11:16). Their
future hope was not for this earth.
heroes and heroines of faith looked for a better place, a heavenly homeland,
the country of their own that they saw in the distance (11:13). As they served
God and walked with Him in this land, they knew that this world was not their
home, and they looked forward to that better place because the world to come is
better than this present world. Because of these people’s faith, God is not
ashamed to be called their God (see also Exodus 3:6), and he has prepared a
heavenly city for them (see John 14:2).
Will you die in faith even though that
promise of healing, spouse, child, etc did not come through? Know that what God
holds for us in heaven is more than what is here.
Food for Thought: What will be said about you when you die?
Prayer: Lord, keep me faithful till my death in Jesus name.
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