Sunday 9 August 2020

God of All Possibilities: Devotion for Monday August 10, 2020


Devotion for Monday August 10, 2020

Topic: God of All Possibilities                      

Text: Numbers 11:21 – 23                         

Our God is God of all possibilities. He is not man that fails. He is not a man who says something and fails to perform it (See Genesis 18:14; Numbers 23:19; Jeremiah 32:27; Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37). Remember out memory verse of yesterday – Jeremiah 32:27.

Here in our bible reading for the day, Moses doubted the possibility of God feeding over two million people with meat in the desert. It is a surprise the way Moses reacted to God’s promise because he has seen miracles and had fellowship with God. His bad mood (Numbers 11:11 – 15) occasion by the cry of the people was responsible for this doubt. When we are peeved and discontented, we lose focus on God and begin to doubt His presence with us and what He is able to do for us. This was the problem with Moses here.

Adam Clarke commentary says, “There is certainly a considerable measure of weakness and unbelief manifested in the complaints and questions of Moses on this occasion; but his conduct appears at the same time so very simple, honest, and affectionate, that we cannot but admire it, while we wonder that he had not stronger confidence in that God whose miracles he had so often witnessed in Egypt.” Most times we behave same way. We easily forget what God did for us in the past and we begin to question what He can do. When such begin to happen in our lives, we should check ourselves. Certainly it is a sign that we have started losing faith and our relationship with God has been distorted. If you have been annoyed and bitter about life or with someone who has provoked you, you should quickly go back to God for healing of that anger and bitterness before you start doubting God.

Food for Thought: Jeremiah 32:17

Memory verse: Numbers 11:21

Prayer: My father in heaven, you are God of all possibilities. Meet me at the point of my needs (mention them) that the world will acknowledge that you alone is God. 

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