Saturday 8 August 2020

God Has Solutions to Our Problems: Devotion for Sunday August 9, 2020


Devotion for Sunday August 9, 2020

Topic: God Has Solutions to Our Problems       

Text: Numbers 11:16 – 20                                 

To solve the immediate problem raised by Moses, God ordered him constitute an order of seventy elders, either by a selection from the existing staff of elders or by the appointment of new ones, to be empowered to assist him by their collective wisdom and experience in the onerous cares of government.

The Jewish writers say that this was the origin of the Sanhedrin, or supreme appellate court of their nation which also consists of 70 men. God’s promise of coming down was not in the physical form. What the Spirit God talks about in Numbers 11:17 means the gifts and influences of the Spirit (Numbers 27:18; Joel 2:28; John 7:39; 1 Corinthians 14:12).

God also gave solution to the need of meat they people were cried for (Numbers 11:18 – 20). Unfortunately, God purpose to give them meat to eat until it become loathsome to them. “What people impatiently and wickedly desire, God sometimes suffers them to have, and to abuse to their ruin” so says Family Bible Note.

Our God has answers and solutions to all our problems. This should strengthen our faith in Him. What are the problems you are currently facing and thinking that there is no way out? God has answers to them. Is it in your career, school, business, office, etc.? God is ever willing to answer you.

The meat will be loathsome to them because they despised the Lord who was among them, and have wept before Him, saying, "Why did we ever come up out of Egypt?” That was a mark of ingratitude. Do you despise God simply because you are not happy with Him? Repent today.  

Food for Thought: "For with God nothing will be impossible” – Luke 1:37

Memory verse: Jeremiah 32:27 - Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?

Prayer: In time of difficulties and crises, help me O Lord to look up to you because you alone can solve all the problems of life.

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