Tuesday, 22 September 2015

OUR PRESENT HELP: Devotion for Wednesday September 23, 2015

OUR PRESENT HELP       Wednesday September 23, 2015

Text: Psalm 46:1 – 5          Memory verse: v 1

This Psalm encourages us to hope and trust in God; in His power and providence, and His gracious ever presence with His Church even when faced with troubles. God is our place of absolute security and safety from ills of any kind (Psalms 2:12). His strength is the confidence and source of strength for believers (Psalm 18:2). He is reliable in difficult circumstances. The presence and favour of God are at all times the security, support, and comfort of his people (46:5).

Do you see God as your refuge and strength; always near you (Deuteronomy 4:7)? He is and will continue to be our help because all other helps are disappointment. According to Matthew Henry Concise Commentary, “If God be in our hearts, by his word dwelling richly in us, we shall be established, we shall be helped; let us trust and not be afraid.” We should understand that our God is ever present in our trouble. He will always help us. Therefore, keep trusting Him.

Food for Thought: Deuteronomy 4:7

Prayer: Almighty God, make me conscious that you are my present help.

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