Sunday 26 April 2015


WHEN WE TRUST IN THE LORD                      Monday April 27, 2015              
Text: Psalm 36:5 – 12                                              Memory verse: v 8
God’s call is for a purpose. There are some things we stand to benefit by being Christians. Here is a testimony of David who had enjoyed so much grace, mercies, protection and providence assuring us of enjoying same in v 8. In Psalm 23:1, David said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” What David meant here is that he has placed all his hopes, dreams, aspiration and life in Christ Jesus and therefore can never be in want; just as a sheep’s concern is that of the shepherd. In the house of God, only children have right to all that is therein. A slave doesn't have access to all in a house. A slave is one who has not given his life to Christ but still lives under the influence of sin. Fat (as used in KJV) is esteemed the fairest and the most excellent food. As God expects the best from us, so he gives the best to us. Compare Psalm 63:5.
Abundant satisfaction is assured in the house of God through Christ Jesus. He offers us greater things than we expect. In Ephesians 3:20, Paul said that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Have you tasted of the fatness of His house? If not, here is opportunity for you to do so and see if what David and Paul stated are true. See Psalm 37:3 and 125:1).
Food for Thought: Psalm 37:3.

Prayer: My father in heaven, as I put my trust in you, grant me abundant satisfaction of all the goodness you have for your children in Jesus name.

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