Friday 10 April 2015


HAVE MERCY ON ME                                  Saturday April 11, 2015

Text: Psalm 51:1 – 6                                         Memory verse: v 1

All the hope of the true penitent is in the free mercy and rich grace of God. David, being convinced of his sin, poured out his soul to God in prayer for mercy and grace because God alone is the one that heals our backsliding (see Jeremiah 3:12, 14, 22). The best thing we can do for ourselves in this our Christian race is to acknowledge our frailty and inability to help ourselves. This means that we have surrendered to God and then He will help us just like the Prodigal Son did (Luke 15:17 – 24).

There are many ways we sin and need the mercies of God. Many of us abuse the grace of God in diverse ways. We should like David learn to humble ourselves to confess our sins and to say, “Have mercy on me.” What a blessed ministry of true Christian speech! May God forgive us for the abuse or misuse of the glorious gift! If our words have ever hurt a tender spirit or tarnished a white soul, or turned any away from the right path, O God, have mercy on us. We should not only ask for forgiveness but also the grace to undo the wrong (restitutions). This is the only way we can grow as Christians.

Food for Thought: Without mercies of God, we are totally ruined.

Prayer: O Lord, my God help me to always acknowledge my sins and never to undermine your mercies in Jesus name.

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