Wednesday, 18 March 2015


WHY DO YOU GO ABOUT MOURNING?       Thursday March 19, 2015
Text: Psalm 42:6 – 11                                           Memory verse: v 9
There are times when God turns His back against us and all doors seem to close against us. Then it seems that our prayers are not answered. Though God may long delay to answer our prayers, or appear for our deliverance from trouble, we shouldn't despair, but continue to call upon Him, hoping in His mercy, and expect that in due time He will grant us complete and lasting relief. This is so because God alone is our help. Surely God does not have pleasure in seeing our faces stained and squalid with their tears neither is He contented in the harshness with which our foes assail us. Why then does He leave them to be mocked by His enemies and theirs? How can the strong God, who is as firm and abiding as a rock, be also as hard and unmoved as a rock towards those who trust in him?
Many a time, when we are stressed in life, we query God for not answering our prayers or coming to our rescue. We should understand that God does not mean evil when He keeps mum. He may do so to try our faith and patience.  He has not forgotten you. He still cares and will rescue you sooner than you expected for He does not take pleasure in seeing you go about mourning.
Food for Thought: God is never contented when we go about mourning.

Prayer: My God, change my case and cause my mourning to cease.

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