Tuesday, 6 October 2020

As Befits the Saints: Devotion for Wednesday October 7, 2020


Devotion for Wednesday October 7, 2020

Topic: As Befits the Saints                              

Text: Ephesians 5:3 – 5                              

There are things that befit Christians and there are things that shouldn’t be associated with Christians and Christianity. In our text for the day, Paul is saying to us that filthy lusts must be rooted out of our lives. These immoral sins mentioned in Ephesians 5:3 – 6 must be dreaded and detested by Christians. Most of us find pleasure in obscene stories and coarse jokes that we begin to take them for granted.

However, Paul cautions that outside immorality Ephesians 5:3, improper language should have no place in the Christian’s conversation because it does not reflect God’s gracious presence in us (Ephesians 5:4). How can we praise God and remind others of His goodness when we are speaking coarsely? These shouldn’t be associated with us who are Christians because by our call, we are made holy unto God and such acts of immorality defiles us.

Our society today is a liberal one. People do what pleases them. Sexual immorality includes any kind of sexual perversion and many people have claimed some bible passages to back up their sexual immoralities. Sexual immorality was tolerated in the pagan Roman society (see Romans 1:24 – 32), but it should not exist in the Christian community especially our own. Neither should there be any impurity amongst us. No matter the name some Christians call sin to cover their evil, true Christians should be different. We must hate sin because God does so.

Food for Thought: Ephesians 4:17 – 19

Memory verse: Ephesians v 3

Prayer: Help me to mortify, O Lord, every immoral desire in my life in Jesus name.

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