Monday 24 August 2020

Extraordinary Love: Devotion for Tuesday August 25, 2020


Devotion for Tuesday August 25, 2020

Topic: Extraordinary Love               

Text: Luke 15:11 – 32                    

The parable of the prodigal son shows what is expected of us in repentance, and the Lord's readiness to welcome and bless all who return to Him. It fully sets forth the riches of gospel of grace – the extraordinary love of God.

This young man took a decision to go back to the father and acted on it. “But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” – Luke 15:20b.

The father immediately restored this destitute and humbled young man as his son. “This represents the readiness with which God receives returning sinners. To be saved, men must not only resolve, but they must return to God; taking all the blame and shame of their departure to themselves, and ascribing righteousness to Him, they must surrender all their interests for time and eternity to his care, guidance, and disposal” as Family Bible Note opined. 

The sheep was lost because it may have foolishly wandered away (Luke 15:4); the coin was lost through no fault of its own (Luke 15:8); and the son left out of selfishness (Luke 15:12). God’s great love reaches out and finds sinners no matter why or how they got lost.

Beloved, have you ever wondered why God has showed so much love to you despite your weaknesses? What steps do you take or should you take to reciprocate this extraordinary love of God for you? It will be great injustice if we neglect and fail to appreciate the love of God for us.

Food for Thought: Job 7:17 and Psalm 8:4

Memory verse: Luke 15 v 24

Prayer: God, may I never fail to reciprocate your love for me. Help me to serve you out of love and gratitude for loving me despite my sins.  

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