Sunday 23 September 2018

Daily Insight - Use Your Talent And Don't Despise It

Daily Insight - Use Your Talent And Don't Despise It
I am happy welcoming you to the last week of this month. I saw these pictures online which have gone viral because as at the time I share them over 2 thousand persons have already shared the post. People love to associate with hard work, diligence and use of talent. They love creativity and commitment no matter the sex. People shared this picture because they love the courage of this young lady who despise shame and what people might say to make a name for herself. I know that this post will fetch her more job.
Beloved, the greatest undoing to your generation and yourself is to hoard or despise it. If this young lady had despised her talent as a painter, who would have heard her name? To be honest to yourself and your generation, you must discern and find out your talent and make good use of it. Some of the friends of this young lady would have taunted her on her love for painting but she ignored that because all of us can't be doctors, lawyers, Engineers at the same time. I know she has become a sought after with this post.
Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. Remember that you can't build a reputation on what you intend to do but on what you have done.
After reading my daily insight on Stop Your Emotional Suffering, someone wrote to me saying "More grace to you my brother. I so much like your post online now and I like it so much. Please sir, can you forward same to my WhatsApp? I need it for daily reflections and I owe it to you. God bless you in life, family and ministry in Jesus Christ name."
My talent is to write - books, devotions, insights, food for thoughts and on certificates and gifts items outside my calling as a priest. I thank God that I have discovered them and have been using them to edify souls and people that read most of my post can attest to it. If I hoard it, God and my generation will not be happy with me. Presently, I write the certificate of two schools in Asaba and for my Diocese,
So it is in your case. Use your gifts and talents no matter how negligible it may seem to men. God who gave it to you want your generation to benefit from it. People are waiting to hear your name as a painter, engineer, Carpenter, Electrician, an author, doctor, nurse, etc. Your generation is waiting to hear your name. Don't keep them waiting, do something today. Have a fruitful week.
Tabugbo @Asaba

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