Devotion for Friday December 1, 2017
Topic: Look Ahead And Be Optimistic
Text: Hebrew 6:11 – 15
People who lived godly lives
faced temptations, persecutions and trials of different types and degrees. From
Noah to the Apostles and disciples, all had terrible experiences. This is the
reason for the exhortation in Hebrews 10:36. When we begin to consider the
trials and temptations of this life, we cannot make progress in our endeavours.
This led the author of Hebrews to challenge us in Hebrews 6:12. He cautioned us
not to be sluggish or faint-hearted or timid or negligent. Rather, he advised
that we should strongly and constantly imitate them in their manner of life;
their faith and patience. The challenges for us in our text are;
1) Heaven is not ours by
purchase but by promise
2) Heaven is a promised
inheritance which saints by faith and patience, have possessed and will
3) Being followers of
imitators of their faith and patience, we may also joint them to inherit the promises.
Heaven is what lies ahead of
us as Christians. Whatever we do here on earth is transitory. A day will come
when we shall leave everything here on earth and go to either heaven as true Christians
or hell as deceivers. Where you will go is determined here on earth. People
have endured all manner of trials, confrontations and temptations for the sake
of heaven. You can still endure and overcome (Philippians 4:13). Cheer up my
beloved in Christ because better days and better things await us in heaven. That
want, need, sickness, temptation, trial and persecution are temporal. You will
leave them here on earth. Therefore do not let it determine your final
destination after live on earth. Look ahead and be optimistic even as we enter
into the new month.
Remember that he who endures
to the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13; Mark 13:13). With this in mind, I welcome
you to the last month of the year 2018. Have a glorious month of December 2018.
Food for Thought: What lies
ahead matters most more than the ones we have left behind us.
Memory Verse: Hebrew 6:12 – “That
you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience
inherit the promises.”
Prayer: God, rekindle your spirit in me and
remove any spirit of sluggishness or faint-heart from me as I live for you in Jesus
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