Monday, 14 August 2017

Christianity Breaks Barriers

Devotion for Tuesday August 15, 2017
Topic: Christianity Breaks Barriers
Text: John 4:4 – 15
The ancestors of the Samaritans were introduced into the land of Israel by the King of Assyria, after he had led the ten tribes into captivity (2 Kings 17:24 – 41). When the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon and began to rebuild their temple, the Samaritans asked for permission to build with them, and when this was refused, an enmity arose between the two people which never died out (Ezra 4:1 – 5; Nehemiah 2:10; 4:1 – 3).
There was no familiarity nor friendship between Jews and Samaritans before Jesus came into the world. However, this may not affect business as the disciples of Jesus Christ had gone to buy food in the town. This woman of Samaria knew that Jesus was a Jew. The antipathy between the Jews and Samaritans was so bitter that they will never want to ask any hospitable rite. The woman’s reply is not a refusal of the Jesus’ request anyway, but an expression of astonishment that a Jew should ask a favour of a Samaritan. However, Jesus had come to set example for us that Christianity should break barriers, build bridges and not walls.
Jesus taught us to love our enemies (Matthew 5:24; Luke 6:27 and 35). Jesus did not want to follow the status quo maintained by His people. He was distinct and that is what He expects from us. A Christian shouldn’t join his/her family to maintain enmity with another family. Do you use your Christianity to break barriers and mend fences? Do you seek for avenues to reconcile people in enmity? This is what Christianity is all about; making peace and reconciling people, and people with God (2 Corinthians 5:17 – 19 and Matthew 5:9).
Food for Thought: 2 Corinthians 5:18
Memory verse: John 4:9
Prayer: Lord God, make me an instrument of peace in my generation in Jesus name.

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