Monday, 31 July 2017

A New Thing

Devotion for Tuesday August 1, 2017
Topic: A New Thing
Text: Isaiah 43:16 – 21
The Lord has promised to do a new thing for you. The new thing will not be delayed because it shall ‘spring forth now.’ You may ask how do I know. 2 Peter 3:9 say that the Lord is not slack concerning His promises and Isaiah 40:8 confirms that God’s word will stand forever. A new thing from God goes with a new song; new title, new office, new privileges, new blessings, new joy, new victory and many more. When you are promoted, your level changes. However, a new thing from God can be positive or negative depending on which divide you belong.
In Exodus 14:21 -28, when God parted the Red Sea, it was a new thing. The Israelites experienced this as a way of freedom. But to Pharaoh and his men, it was a way of total destruction. When God says to His children that He will do a new thing, it means that He will move them to a level of freedom they have never known before. It also means that God is about to surprise their enemies beyond recovery. Get ready; it is your season for a new thing that will lead to a new song (Psalm 40:3) in your life, family, business and ministry.
Beloved in Christ, before you hold on to a promise, you should first get to know who made the promise with the terms and conditions. The one who is making this promise to His own is the one called Jehovah El-Shaddai – the God that is more than enough, the Almighty (Genesis 17:1). Have you known and accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour? If not, do something now so you could enjoy the new thing packaged for you this season and beyond. Happy new month!
Food for Thought: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Memory verse: Isaiah 43:19
Prayer: Lord God, do a new thing in my life that will lead to a new song this month and always in Jesus name. 

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