Monday, 12 June 2017

Bad Attitude That Hinders Spiritual Growth

Devotion for Tuesday June 13, 2017
Topic: Bad Attitude That Hinders Spiritual Growth
Text: Matt. 7:24 – 29
Carelessness, carefree, negligence and presumption are very dangerous attitude that every serious minded Christians should avoid and never imbibe. A careless or carefree man can easily fall victim of the evil one. We know the story of Samson how he was so carefree with the instruction from God before his birth.
God’s word serves as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). It directs and guides us. It guards us against danger and grants us wisdom on how best to live successfully (Joshua 1:7 & 8). When we read or hear the word of God, we should apply them diligently to our lives as evidence we are true disciples of Jesus Christ. This virtue of living out what we hear from the word of God teaches here that we shouldn’t be carefree, careless, negligent or presumptuous of the word we hear. James lends credence to this in James 1:22, 23 and 2:14.
In our spiritual growth, what makes the difference is not how many times you have been through the Bible, but how thoroughly the Bible is reflecting in the life you live. This is what matters in our Christianity. You may have gone through the Bible many times but your character remains questionable.
Does the Bible have any effect on your life? Do you preach and teach the word of God but do the opposite? What is your testimony in your school, office, neighbourhood, etc as a Christian? We should not take God’s word for granted or we end up in hell. It is not just the hearers and preachers that will be saved but the doers of the word.
Food for Thought: James 1:22
Memory verse: Matthew 7 verse 26
Prayer: God, help me to apply your word into my life and not to take it for granted in Jesus name. Amen

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