Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The Hour Has Come

Devotion for Wednesday (Holy Week) April 12, 2017
Topic: The Hour Has Come
Text: John 12:20 – 28
Beloved, what is your desire as a Christian? Is it to see Jesus and be part of His glory at the end of your life here on earth? This was the desire of these Greek who came to the disciples. When Philip and Andrew came and told Jesus, He made a startling revelation about His impending death. He painted a picture of the necessary sacrifice He was about to make. He asserts that unless a grain of wheat is planted in the soil, it will not become a blade of wheat producing many more seeds.
Jesus had to die to pay the penalty for our sin, and to show His power over death. His resurrection proves He has eternal life and can give it to us. The words of Jesus in John 12:26 suggest an answer to the inquiry of the Greeks or a charge He left with them. Jesus was troubled as He announced that the hour had come for His betrayal, crucifixion and death, and eventual resurrection. He prayed that God the Father should save Him but handed over everything to the will of God.
Here, Jesus threw a challenge to us. When we are suffering and going through problems of life, how do we take it? From the death and resurrection of Christ, it is obvious that most times we have to go through some problems of life for the glory of God to be revealed in us. My life was a clear testimony about this. Jesus requested God to glorify His name and a voice answered Him. We should always submit to God‘s will so He can glorify Himself in all we do.
Food for Thought: John 17:1
Memory verse: John 12 verse 23

Prayer: God, glorify yourself and perfect your will in my life in Jesus name. Amen.

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