Tuesday, 25 April 2017

The Harvest Truly Is Great

Devotion for Wednesday April 26, 2017
Topic: The Harvest Truly Is Great
Text: Luke 10:2
There is no unemployment in the Christian service as every Christian has a gift and a call to perform. God has enough work for everyone. Don’t just sit back and watch others work; look for ways to help with the harvest. Jesus asserts that the harvest is great and decided to send 35 teams of 2 evangelists each. He urged them to pray to the Lord of harvest to send labourers into His vineyard.
This Luke 10:2 has some lessons for us.
1) The first step towards evangelism is to start praying about it. Jesus teaches us here the imperative of prayer in evangelism. You cannot win a soul you don’t love and have not prayed for. This demands that if you want to win any particular person for Christ, you should start by praying for the person before you go to preach to him or her.
2) It reveals the magnitude of unbelievers around us. Beloved, take a look into your street, your school, the market where you go for shopping, etc, and how many of them are really born again? What of the church where you worship? How many members of the church where you worship live as true Christians outside the church on weekdays? You will find out they are negligible few. This shows that we have enormous work on evangelism facing us.
3) This story reveals that we have few people who are willing to go out on evangelism. In your church, how many people come out for evangelism? Do you go on evangelism as an individual or as a group in your church? God is looking for people who will go out there where sinners are and not people who will wait for sinner to come them. Are you determined to do something for God? Start now.
Action: Today, pray for the unsaved people and pray also that God will raise other concerned disciples to join in reaching out to the unbelievers. Share the gospel message as you go out.
Memory verse: Luke 10 verse 2a
Prayer: Lord God, raise men and women with the burden of evangelism in my church and locality in Jesus name. Amen.

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