Thursday, 30 March 2017

Price of Godliness (Imprisonment 2)

Devotion for Friday March 31, 2017                
Topic: Price of Godliness (Imprisonment 2)
Text: Act 4:1 – 4
When you have a message from God and preach it raw as received, there is every tendency it will hurt some people and puncture their ego. I have incurred the wrath of many people because of my messages. I thank God that so far, they have not arrested or sent me to prison. The Sadducees don’t believe in resurrection and for the disciples to be preaching that Jesus resurrected was not acceptable to them. They instigated the arrest of the Peter and John.
These men (Apostles Peter and John) had spoken to the people during the afternoon prayer time. The Sadducees moved in quickly to investigate. They were understandably disturbed with what the Apostles were saying because they were refuting one of their fundamental beliefs and thus threatening their authority as religious teachers. Because of their unlimited power over the Temple grounds, they were able to arrest Peter and John for no other reason than teaching what contradicts their beliefs.
Preaching the gospel can offend some people because of their tie with the devil and it can even lead to imprisonment. Though it is not always that preaching can lead to problem but we run risks in trying to win others to Christ. The risks may include attack of the enemies of the cross, rejection, persecution, imprisonment, denial of rights and privileges. Whatever risk we may face, we should note that people of God in the past suffered same and we should be willing to suffer for the sake of Christ. Whatever the risks, realize that nothing done for God is ever wasted. You will surely receive your reward.
Food for Thought: You can bind and imprison a preacher but you cannot bind or imprison his message.
Memory verse: Acts 4 verse 3

Prayer: Lord, grant utterance to your people to enable them preach no matter the risk and consequences in Jesus name. Amen.

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