Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Forget Your Misery

Devotion for Wednesday February 15, 2017
Topic: Forget Your Misery
Text: Job 11:16
You can’t do anything about the past, but you can do something about your future. All you need to do is to forget your misery and look up to God for intervention. Job's misery was extreme, and it seemed as if he could never forget it. He never did forget the fact of it, but he did forget the pain of it. There is nothing better that can happen to our misery than forgetting it in the sense referred to here in our text.
When we are in pain of body or depression of spirit, we imagine that we never shall forget such misery as we are enduring. But when God turns towards us with mercy and we are restored to health or uplifted from depression of spirit, we no longer remember, except as a thing that has passed and gone, to be recollected with gratitude. These words of Zophar in our text were prophetic. It later came to pass when God restored all that Job lost. There is also consolation from the future just as Hebrews 12:11 truly say.
Our text can be fulfilled in our lives by the lapse of time. Time is a wonderful healer. Remember how Job forgot his misery when, in a short time, he had double as much of all that he possessed (Job 42:10). When the Lord turns your captivity, you will be like them that dream. They woke up; their dream is all gone, they have completely forgotten it. So it will be with your misery. It will be gone and gone forever as God will remember you this season.
Food for Thought: Dwelling on the past denies us the opportunity of making progress into the future.
Memory verse: Job 11 verse 16 - You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away.
Prayer: Intervene in my life, O Lord, that I may forget my pain and misery.

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