for Monday February 20, 2017
Constant Prayer Was Offered For Him
Text: Acts 12:1 – 5
Prayer is
the life of Christianity and an effectual weapon for believers to face all
manner of life’s challenges. Beloved brothers and sisters, if prayer had given
you victory before, then engage in constant prayer for a constant victory. That
is the way to live a victorious Christian life. We should note that God will
not do certain things until we pray; individually or collectively.
James and John belong to the inner caucus of Jesus’ ministry. One would have
taught that Jesus will stop King Herod from killing James (Acts 12:1-2).
Unfortunately, constant prayer was not made for him; perhaps it would have been
different. When Herod kept Peter in prison to be killed at a later date, the
church woke up and offered constant prayer to God for him (Acts 12:5) and he
was released (Acts 12:7). If we engage in constant prayer, there will be
intervention in our situation because effective, fervent prayer of a righteous
man avails much (James 5:16b).
The early
Churches often engaged in prolonged corporate prayer (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 4:24 –
31; 12:5). God intends that we should always gather together for meaningful,
enduring prayers. Jesus said, “My house will be called the house of prayer”
(Matthew 21:13).
Christians we should not neglect times for prayer especially corporate prayer.
It’s high time we enter constant prayer and start heaping up prayer deposits
for the years and generation ahead, and for the good of our nation. The prayer
of Jesus in Luke 22:31 contributed in Peter’s freedom in the future. Constant
prayer can change evil decree (Dan. 6:8-14). We cannot discover the extent and
potency of the power we possess until we start praying. Remember what Jesus
said in Luke 18:1 that we should always persist in prayer. Do it often and
again and you will never regret it.
Food for Thought: Prevailing prayer is not eloquence but earnestness.
Memory verse: Acts 12 verse 5 - So
Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the
Prayer: Teach us to pray, O Lord, that we should no longer complain.
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