THE DAY OF MANY TROUBLES: Devotion for Monday March 14, 2016
Text: Job 1:13 – 19 Memory verse: v 19
In 1 Samuel chapter 3 is the story of how the Ark of God was captured by the Philistines when Eli was the Chief Priest. He also died with his two sons the same day. What a trouble for that family! As a family, where will they start mourning – three persons on the same day? That was a great loss to Israel and the family. We have heard how families had perished in inferno, accident, etc without any survivor. Families dying together may seem better in the eyes of men than for a man to have laboured for years, gathered wealth, had a family and just lose everything in a day. Some may even commit suicide. On the day of trouble, Satan unleashed his anger against Job in order to make him turn against God. He lost all his wealth, his children and properties. This was not even enough for Satan as he came back in Job chapter 2 to fight the more. When Job was being attacked, he never knew that it was his uprightness and integrity that attracted those troubles.
Most times we tend to believe that when we pass through troubles of life, it means that we have fallen out of favour with God. It is not true. The troubles all came upon Job at once; while one messenger of evil tidings was speaking, another followed (1:15, 16, 17 & 19). His dearest and most valuable possessions were his ten children; news is brought him that they are killed. So many people would have concluded that such calamities can only come on sinners. We should understand that in this world we will have troubles but in all, we should be of good cheer (Jn. 16:33) bearing in mind that God will make a way of escape for us (1 Cor. 10:13).
Food for Thought: “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble” – Job 14:1
Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace and enablement to endure the troubles of life knowing that better things await me in heaven.
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