IDOLS IN THE HEART: Devotion for Saturday March 12, 2016
Text: Ezekiel 14:1 – 11 Memory verse: v 3
God knows the intents of our hearts in whatever we do, which most of us are unaware of or undermine. That is why most things we think that matter are not so with God and vice versa. These elderly people who came to Ezekiel have not actually repented of their sins before coming to God. With one hand they held on to sin and were using the other hand to inquire of God. God cannot be mocked. Their offence is that they have made idols in their hearts which can never take the place of God. God says He is a jealous God. He doesn’t want to share our hearts with idols. Thus He instructed them to repent (14:6) so as to avoid the consequences that might follow (14:8–11).
Idols in the heart according to our bible reading are things that made them to stumble and fall into sin. Beloved, what are the idols that can occupy our hearts and make us stumble? Can you mention five of those idols in hearts of people? Admittedly, most Christians have set up idols of money/wealth, hatred, anger, pride, lust, etc, which easily lead them into sin. God doesn’t take pleasure in the outward form of worship when it is connected with a wicked heart and life. He cannot be deceived by those who come to inquire of Him, and He will not allow Himself to be mocked by people who claim to be serving God and idols at the same time. If they love iniquity and secretly practise it, He will answer them in wrath, and not in mercy. Therefore be warned and don’t be a victim.
Action: Write down things that can become idols in your heart.
Prayer: Deliver me, O Lord, my God, from every idol in my heart so that my worship will be acceptable to you in Jesus name.
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