Tuesday, 1 September 2015

WE WISH TO SEE JESUS: Devotion for Wednesday September 2, 2015

WE WISH TO SEE JESUS     Wednesday September 2, 2015

Text: John 12:20 – 26             Memory verse: v 21

These Greek were either visitors from Greece or Greek-speaking Jews. They may be Jewish proselytes or simply God-fearing Gentiles. These Greeks probably selected Philip as their emissary to Jesus because, though Philip was a Jew, he had a Greek name. He was from Bethsaida, a town in Galilee near the Greek territory on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee called Decapolis. The city of Bethsaida itself had a large Greek population, and Philip may have been able to speak Greek. He hesitated for some time and went to Andrew, a close ally. Both went to Jesus.

The very inclusion of Greeks in the events of the final week has great significance. We Gentiles also ought to be grateful that Christ includes us in his offer of salvation. Are you willing to lead people to Jesus? There are many people who desire to see Jesus. The first Jesus they will see is you. Therefore, we should be mindful of how will live and associate with people or else our actions can deter them from coming to see Jesus. Let us shine as light (Matthew 5:13 – 16).

Food for Thought: Can unbelievers come to you to lead them to Jesus?

Prayer: Almighty God, make me a role model for unbelievers to emulate.

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