IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE Tuesday September 15,
Text: Jeremiah 17:12 – 18 Memory verse: v 17
acknowledged the favour of God in setting up His sanctuary. There is fullness
of comfort in God, overflowing, ever-flowing fullness, like a fountain as he
asserts (17:13). It is always fresh and clear, like spring-water, while the
pleasures of sin are puddle-waters. He prays to God for healing, saving mercy
(17:14). He appeals to God concerning his faithful discharge of the office to
which he was called (17:16). He humbly begs that God would own and protect him
in the work to which he had plainly called him.
pleads with God to be his refuge since he has no human source of protection.
God is our Saviour and Judge. He is the one that can destroy or save us.
Jeremiah prayed that God should protect him in the day of trouble. This should
be our prayer because our help is only in God.
Food for Thought: Jeremiah 16:19a
Prayer: Lord, you are my hope in the day of trouble. Don’t allow any terror on me in Jesus name.
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