Friday, 7 August 2015

WHO AM I? Devotion for Saturday August 8, 2015

WHO AM I?     Saturday August 8, 2015

Text: Ephesians 3:8 – 12              Memory verse: v 8

When God exalts a humble heart to a great position, such is never proud of that position and where God gives grace to be humble; there He gives all other needful grace. Paul is of the opinion that he is not worthy of the trust granted to him as he deems himself. He was ever humbled by remembering that he had been a persecutor. His words in 3:8 strongly mark the unparalleled humility of Paul; and the amazing condescension of God, in favouring him, who had been before a persecutor and blasphemer. By describing himself as ‘Who am less than the least of all the saints,’ Paul means that being once a persecutor of the church, he would never be able to do God’s work without God’s help. Yet God chose him to share the Good News with the Gentiles and gave him the power to do it.

This shows the kind of humility of Paul as a person. He never allowed his exalted position in Christianity to enter his head. Today, most of us are in positions we are not worthy to occupy if not for the grace of God. How humble are you in that position? You should use that position to glorify God in humility knowing that you are not worthy except for the grace of God. This is what pleases God.

Food for Thought: 1 Timothy 1:15

Prayer: Grant me O Lord a humble heart in any position I find myself.

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