Saturday, 15 August 2015

WALK IN WISDOM: Devotion for Sunday August 16, 2015

WALK IN WISDOM     Sunday August 16, 2015

Text: Colossians 4:5, 6      Memory verse: v 5

Paul reminds us of our responsibility to be wise in the way they acted toward those who are not Christians. Paul observed that while the Christian fellowship does (and should) make some allowances for the mistakes of its own, the world will not. Christians’ behavior toward unbelievers should be above reproach. The believers were not to hide from the world in a secret organization; instead, they were to live in the world as a light (Matthew 5:14 – 16).

As Christians, we should be wise in our contacts with non-Christians, making the most of our opportunities to preach the Good News of salvation to them. What opportunities do you have? Do you make good use of them? Your meeting with that unbeliever may be his/her last opportunity to hear the word of God. Try and do something today as you go forth into the world.

Food for Thought: Wisdom of God is the panacea for living a godly life in this age of wickedness and evil

Prayer: God, give me the wisdom I need to live a godly life in this generation. 

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