Sunday 3 May 2015


THEY HAVE NO ROOT              Monday May 4, 2015

Text: Luke 8:11 – 15                 Memory verse: v 13

It is very impossible for any tree to stand or survive without the root. This is a basic truth about our relationship with God (John 15:5). Unfortunately, most of us Christians today still believe that we can stand without root. Yesterday, we saw the need to be deeply rooted in Christ so as not to be deceived.

Jesus classified the people who hear the word of God (Luke 8:1ff). This class that fell on the rock are people who hear the word of God but will not want to take a step further so as to be well grounded in faith of Christ. They still remain babes in Christ and thus are easily tossed to and fro (Ephesians 4:14 compare 1 Corinthians 3:1 – 3; Hebrews 5:12 14). Some were sincere and have made a real start in the life of faith. However, when temptation comes, they lose interest, stop coming to church and drop out of sight.

How rooted are you in Christ Jesus? To develop roots in Christ Jesus, we need to read and listen to the word of God always (Joshua 1:6 – 8). It is in constant meditation on the words of God that we can stand firm and grow up unto maturity. The deeper the root, the stronger it is for the tree to resist wind and tempest. So the deeper we have the word of God in us the stronger we are to resist temptations and trials. What level is your root in Christ? You can still go deeper. Maximize the opportunities to grow more roots.

Food for Thought: The deeper your root, the greater strength you will have to resist temptations and trials of life.  

Prayer: Lord, help me to be thoroughly rooted in you so I can resist trials

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