Sunday 31 May 2015



HE WHO KEEPS YOU           Monday June 1, 2015

Text: Psalm 121:1 – 8        Memory verse: v 4

It is heartwarming to know that we have a God who keeps us 121:4, 5. This Psalm 121 asserts the absolute and ultimate safety of the child of God. The essence of God watching and keeping Israel and all believers indeed is found in 121:7, where God is praised as the one who protects his people from evil. As God is anxious about us, so is Satan to slay and destroy us. David is saying here that God keeps us as a rich man keeps his treasures, as a captain keeps a city with a garrison, as a royal guard keeps his monarch's head. It is worthy to mention that in 121:3, the Psalmist also mentioned God as one who keeps us individually. So he keeps us individually and collectively.

Beloved, are you afraid of the plans of the enemies? Are threats of attack or the attacks you are receiving weakening your faith? Do not fear the wild windy tempests along your Christian journey here on earth. Your ship will not wreck because He that keeps you is on the deck of your boat. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. That should give you the needed courage even in the face of attacks. Remember the expression in Psalm 23:4, 5 that even though we are surrounded by the enemies, we should not fear because God is with us. Do you believe this? As you start this month, be assured that God who keeps you will grant you a memorable stress free month in Jesus name.

Food for Thought: Psalm 121: 5 – 8  

Prayer: God, grant me the understanding that you are the one that keeps me.


Saturday 30 May 2015


PROPER KNOWLEDGE          Sunday May 31, 2015

Text: Philippians 4:10 – 13      Memory verse: v 12

If only Christians could understand what God’s will is for them, it will make them to live their lives fully without grudging. Our text is Paul’s personal testimony about contentment. Paul knew what it was like to live on almost nothing (1 Corinthians 4:11 – 13; 2 Corinthians 6:4 - 10). Although he taught that the churches should support their leaders, he did not demand salaries from the churches he planted. This kept him above criticism (2 Corinthians 11:7). Thus with travel and food costs, Paul probably had very little to live on. Paul also knew how to live with everything (to abound). The Greek word translated abound means ‘to overflow.’

Paul could get along happily because he saw life from God’s point of view. His focus was on what he was supposed to do, not what he felt he should have. He had his priorities straight, being grateful for all God gave him and he detached himself from the dispensable so that he could concentrate on the eternal. Is this a challenge for you?

Habitually, the desire for more or better possessions is really a longing to fill an empty place in our lives. How can you find true contentment? The answer lies in our perspective, our priorities, and our source of power.

Food for Thought: How many of us Christians have learned this important lesson of how to find true contentment?

Prayer: God, teach me to be contented in whatever situation I find myself in my Christian race to heaven. 

Request: Pray for Tabugbo Uzoma as he celebrates his birthday today.

Friday 29 May 2015


LORD SAVE ME               Saturday May 30, 2015

Text: Matthew 14:22 – 33         Memory verse: v 30

Ability to know where our help lies matters so much if we actually want to succeed in life. This is the reason behind Psalm 121:2. Sometimes in life, we start out with good intentions but our faith falters. This doesn’t necessarily mean we have failed.

When Peter’s faith faltered, he reached out to Christ, the only one who could help. He shouted, “Lord save me.” So long as Peter’s attention was fixed upon the Lord's command he succeeded in his venture; but so soon as he let the power of the tempest distract his thoughts, his faith failed and he began to sink. He became afraid, but he still looked to Christ. When you are apprehensive about the troubles around you and doubt Christ’s presence or ability to help, remember that he is the only one who can help.

Beloved, are you currently apprehensive about troubles, temptations, trials and persecutions around, that your faith in Christ has started faltering? Note that our fears weaken our faith. However, Matthew 28:20b should be a consolation for us. He has also promised to hear us when we call. Don’t sink into the sea of troubles and problems of life. Jesus is ready to deliver you from sinking just as He did for Peter. He is ever willing to help (Mark 1:41).       

Food for Thought: “It is when our thoughts are turned away from Christ to the dangers around us, that we lose our courage” – Family Bile Notes.

Prayer: Lord, save me and don’t allow me to sink into the sea of troubles and problems of this life. Heal my faltering faith in Jesus name.

Thursday 28 May 2015


HE INQUIRED OF THE LORD           Friday May 29, 2015

Text: 2 Samuel 5:17 – 25              Memory verse: v 23

A proverbial saying of Anioma people has it that, “He who makes inquiries will never miss his way.” This is a wise saying that anyone who wants to embark on any mission, project or endeavour should take to heart. See 1 Samuel 30:8 for an example. Here is another inquiry David made. 

The Philistines had deployed themselves in the Valley of Rephaim to fight against the Israelites (5:22). This prompted him to inquire from the Lord what he will do in that circumstance. David was a man who never takes chances of events around him. The Bible recorded over 15 times David inquired of the Lord personally. God responded to him (5:23b, 24) by telling him what to do. David did as God instructed him and he was victorious against them (5:25).

We take too many things about our lives to chance. We hardly make time to inquire of the Lord about little things. W. e only care over some ‘big things’. It ought not to be so. The bible enjoins us to commit our ways and work to the Lord (Psalm 37:5 and Proverbs 16:3). When we learn to hand over our cases to God or make inquiries from Him, it will save us a lot of ‘had I known’ that we cry about on daily basis. If you have not been doing so, start today.

Food for Thought: When you learn to inquire from God over everything that concerns you, your life will be free of anxieties/worries.

Prayer: Lord, make me conscious of the fact that you are the only one that knows about my tomorrow and can help me in every situation

Wednesday 27 May 2015


THEY WERE NOT FROM GOD       Thursday May 28, 2015

Text: Micah 3:1 – 7             Memory verse: v 7

The men of the East prided themselves on their beards and mustaches; to cover them was a sign of shame and remorse (Leviticus 13:45; Ezekiel 24:17, 22). These seers will be ashamed for the false visions of comfort and prosperity which they pretended to see. The false prophets would be so ashamed of themselves and so afraid of what was happening that they would not be able to open their mouths again to prophesy. False prophets gave false messages, perhaps due to political pressure (2 Kings 22:13), personal immorality (Isaiah 28:7), greed (Ezekiel 13:19), or even confusion (Jeremiah 14:14). Micah never calls these prophets false; their prophecies do it for him.

We still have similar prophets around who are not from God. You know will know them by their prophecies. Because their messages are not from God, it will all fail. God did not send them, Jeremiah 29:9.  The Bible says that by their fruits you shall know them. That they preach and pray does not mean they are of God. Be cautious and test every spirit that says he is of God (1 John 4:1). They are comfortable now in their lies and deceits. Soon and very soon, they will be exposed.

Food for Thought: Our deeds will always speak what we are to others.

Prayer: Lord, grant me grace and wisdom not to fall into the net of these false prophets in Jesus name.

Tuesday 26 May 2015



LET THEM COME TO ME         Wednesday May 27, 2015

Text: Matthew 19:13 – 15           Memory verse: v 14  

We congratulate and rejoice with our children as they celebrate 2015 Children’s Day. We thank God for the gift of children and pray that God will bless all our children, make them to grow up in the fear and favour of God and that they will not become thorns on our flesh neither will they be source of heart attack for us in Jesus name. As we say Amen to this prayer, it is proper to remind us that we have a duty to make this prayer work.

It was customary for people to bring their children to a Rabbi for a blessing. Thus people were bringing children to Jesus so that he could lay His hands on them and pray for them. The disciples thought the children were unworthy of the Master’s time. Jesus told his disciples to let the children come because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. The disciples must have forgotten what Jesus had said about children earlier (18:4 – 6). Heaven belongs to such as children because they don’t keep malice, they love and easily forgive. They are open hearted. This is one character God desires to see in us.

How can you bring your children to God? Think about it because there are so many ways you can do it – initiation into the church by baptism, Sunday school, Children ministry, Church activities and programmes. If you have not been doing so, start today. Send them to Jesus Christ.

Food for Thought: Matthew 18:3

Prayer: Lord grant unto parents the wisdom they need to train their children according to your will and purpose in Jesus name


Monday 25 May 2015


PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER        Tuesday May 26, 2015

Text: James 5:12 – 18                      Memory verse: v 16

God desires harmony among His people which made Jesus to charge us on the need to love one another as He loves us and live in harmony as He and the Father are one (John 13:34; 17:11, 21, 22). The new commandment was aimed at making us count on others for support and prayer, especially when they are sick or suffering. The elders should be on call to respond to the illness of any member, and the church should stay alert to pray for the healing of any who is sick. 

Often we are not only guilty of hesitating to lean on each other in our sicknesses and weaknesses, but we are even more liable not to confess our sins to each other. When Christians are really working to ‘share each other’s troubles and problems,’ the world does take note, and we come closer to fulfilling ‘the law of Christ’ (see Galatians 6:2). Love for our neighbours include, above all else, praying for them.

Prayer is the instrument of healing, forgiveness and mighty weapon for spiritual warfare. Some people see prayer as a last resort, to be tried when all else fails. Our priorities are the reverse of God’s. Prayer should come first. Inasmuch as God is pleased to use our prayers to accomplish His purposes and He delights in answering us, He is never bound by our prayers. How often do you pray for others? How many of your fellow Christians do you pray for on daily basis? We should not wait for people to make request before we pray. Let us make it our priority to pray for one another often and again.

Food for Thought: Praying for one another is an evidence of our love for them because you cannot pray for someone whom you don’t love. 

Prayer: God, grant me the burden to always pray for other people. 

Sunday 24 May 2015


REFUGE FROM THE AVENGER        Monday May 25, 2015

Text: Joshua 20:1 – 6               Memory verse: v 3

The idea behind these cities of refuge (Joshua 20:1, 2) was not to provide a screen for guilty persons, but to give someone who accidentally killed another person protection from the vengeance of the dead person’s relatives (avenger) until the facts could be established. There he would be tried by the elders of the city to determine whether the death had resulted from accident (manslaughter) or premeditated murder in the first degree (see Numbers 35:15 – 24).

If guilty, the person was turned over to the avenger. If not guilty of murder, he was expected to stay in the city of refuge he chose until the death of the nation’s ruling high priest (Numbers 35:28). At that time he was free to go wherever he wished and the avenger was forbidden to harm him in any way. If he left the city of refuge before the death of the current high priest, he could be attacked and killed. This way for handling cases of homicide represented a great advance over the law of the desert (punishment).

Our refuge is Christ as against the city in Old Testament. Devil is the avenger who is always out to destroy us because of sin but God has raised Jesus Christ as our refuge that when we run into Him, we will be saved. Even this idea was even conceived in the Old Testament (See Psalm 14:6; 28:8; 46:1; 91:2, 4; 144:2). Have you made Jesus your refuge against all forms of evil, attacks of the enemies, death, Satan, etc?

Food for Thought: Is Jesus your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble?

Prayer: Lord, I surrender myself to you as my refuge against all evil, the world, sin and Satan in Jesus name.


Saturday 23 May 2015


IT SHOULDN’T DOMINATE YOU      Sunday May 24, 2015

Text: Romans 6:12 – 18                            Memory verse: v 14

Paul’s position here is that sin cannot and will not ever again be our master because we are no longer subject to the law. What does it mean that we are not under the law?
1. We are not under the law’s demands, as were the people of the Old Testament.
2. We are not under curse implied by the impossible standard of the law (see Galatians 3:10 – 14).
3. We are not under its system of requirements, the ceremonial laws that had to be meticulously kept.
4. We are not under the fear of failing the just standard of the law.

A life that is no longer under the dominion of sin is known by the fruit of Holy Spirit it manifests. It requires the strictest conformity to the will of God. Such person relies on the grace of God and his faith and confidence are based on the work Jesus did for us on the cross of Calvary. On the contrary, a life under the law deliberately commits sin. Beloved, where do you belong? Does sin still control you or the Holy Spirit? Those who have accepted the death of Jesus do not allow sin to dominate them rather their lives are dominated by the Holy Spirit.

Food for Thought: But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law Galatians 5:18.

Prayer: Grant that sin will no longer have dominion over me, O Lord.     

Friday 22 May 2015


NO REMISSION WITHOUT BLOOD     Saturday May 23, 2015

Text: Hebrews 9:18 – 22                 Memory verse: v 22

It is universally true that sin never has been, and never will be forgiven, except in connection with and in virtue of the shedding of blood. Salvation by the atonement is based on blood by which God bestows pardon on men. Blood from a sacrifice symbolized cleansing and forgiveness, thus nearly everything was purified by sprinkling with blood v 22a. Why does forgiveness require the shedding of blood? Blood is symbol of life and it keeps us alive. Jesus shed his blood; gave His life for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to experience spiritual death and eternal separation from God. Jesus is the source of life, not death. He gave his own life to pay the penalty for us to live.

It follows, therefore, 1) that no sinner can hope for forgiveness except through the blood of Christ. 2) If men are ever saved they must be willing to rely on the merits of that blood. 3) All men are on a level in regard to salvation, since all are to be saved in the same way. The blood was to save us from sin and death. Have you received cleansing from that blood? Will you allow such sacrifice to be in vain? Remember that there is no other sacrifice required of us than that which Jesus made. You should not take the atonement for granted by continuing in sin.

Food for Thought: If Jesus didn’t shed his blood for us, what would have been our condition as miserable sinners?

Prayer: Lord God may I never to take the atonement by Jesus for granted by continuing in sin. Cleanse me with that blood in Jesus name.

Thursday 21 May 2015


YOUR LOVE FOR ME IS AMAZING          Friday May 22, 2015

Text: 2 Samuel 1:17 – 27                               Memory verse: v 26

Yesterday we saw that our prejudices and our preconceived opinions are one cause of our seeing so many mysteries in the Bible. 2 Samuel 1:26 is one of the passages in the bible gay people hold on to. They claimed that David and Jonathan had carnal knowledge of one another. By saying that Jonathan’s love was “deeper than the love of women,” David was not implying that he had a sexual relationship with Jonathan. Homosexual acts were absolutely forbidden in Israel. It was detestable (Leviticus 18:22) with death penalty (Leviticus 20:13) for those who practice it. 

David was simply restating the deep brotherhood and faithful friendship he had with Jonathan. ‘Brother’ and ‘love’ are known to be reflective of the treaty or covenant relationship between two individuals. David and Jonathan’s covenant was established in 1 Samuel 18:3. Jonathan did not break that covenant. This should challenge people who are into partnership in any business. Do you break bonds and betray your partners?  

The love between David and Jonathan can be likened to the love Christ has for His Church. Jesus gave up His throne to die for humanity. Jonathan gave up his throne for David. That love is amazing. Likewise the love God has for us which undermines our weaknesses. How are you responding to such amazing love? We should show it by serving Him.

Food for Thought: True and sincere love are products of commitment to covenant between two parties.

Prayer: God your love for me is so amazing. Help me to reciprocate that love by being more committed to your course in Jesus name.

Wednesday 20 May 2015


HE GRANTED THEM UNDERSTANDING          Thursday May 21, 2014

Text: Luke 24:44 – 49                      Memory verse: v 45

Knowledge and understanding come from God (Daniel 1:17). Again, from Daniel 1:5ff, we can say that there are foods that can hinder understanding and knowledge. Understanding comes through meditation on God’s law (Psalm 119:104). Jesus met these two disciples on their way to Emmaus. He took time to talk to them on the way till they invited Him to spend the night with them. When Jesus perceived they did not understand, he opened their understanding. He enabled them fully to comprehend the meaning of the prophecies which foretold His death and resurrection. Their prejudices were removed and they no longer doubted that He was the Messiah.

From the above, we can learn that (1) Facts, or the farther disclosure of truth, removes the mysteries that we now see in religion. (2) Our prejudices and our preconceived opinions are one cause of our seeing so many mysteries in the Bible. It is only when we take the plain declarations of the Bible; we will be less perplexed with mysteries. (3) Only God can open the mind to fully comprehend the Scriptures. He only can overcome our prejudices, open our hearts, and dispose us to receive the engrafted word with meekness, and with the simplicity of a child. Has God opened your understanding? Holy Spirit will do it for us (John 14:17, 25; 16:13). Ask for that gift today.  

Food for Thought: John 14:26

Prayer: God the Holy Spirit, open my understanding so that your will for me will not be a mystery I can’t understand in Jesus name.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


WHEN SHE HEARD ABOUT JESUS           Wednesday May 20, 2015

Text: Mark 5:25 – 34                            Memory verse: v 27

How we take what we hear and what we do with them matters so much in determining what we eventually become or gain. Unfortunately, some have ears but don’t hear (Psalm 115:6; 135:17; Jeremiah 5:21; Matthew 13:14 and John 12:40). What did this woman hear about Jesus? Can we make some suggestions? Are these things similar to what we hear today as we listen to sermons, in Sunday Schools/Bible Studies? 

Undoubtedly, this woman has heard that Jesus was a prophet with a great healing power. Someone who still cares about her would have come to tell her about Jesus because by her illness, people would steer clear of her. She wasn't sure of how Jesus will treat her (Leviticus 15:25 – 27). This made her to come to Jesus from behind. Nevertheless, her faith was not disappointed (5:29).     

Many of us have heard so many sermons on faith and yet we have never demonstrated it. We've heard severally that Jesus saves and heals yet many of us have not even made up our minds to come to Jesus, and we carry burden and loads of sin about. Now you are still hearing it. Why not take a step of faith to meet with Jesus. He didn't reject the woman despite her odour and will not reject you despite your sins.

Food for Thought: What do you do with the sermon you hear daily?

Prayer: God, help me to understand and apply what I hear from you daily so I can benefit from them in Jesus name. 

Monday 18 May 2015


JOY IN HEAVEN                Tuesday May 19, 2015

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:15 – 18       Memory verse: v 18   

Christianity is life of hope and expectations (Hebrews 11:6). Our hope is in Christ (Romans 8:24; Hebrews 11:1). This prompted Paul to encourage the Corinthians to live by faith and not by sight (5:7). We are to take our eyes off this world, for the troubles will soon be over. Instead, we should fix our eyes on the Almighty, the One who possessed all power, for He will bring joy that will last forever. Our ultimate hope when we are experiencing terrible illness, persecution, or pain is the realization that this life is not all there is—there is life after death! Knowing that we will live forever with God in a place without sin and suffering can help us live above the pain that we face in this life.

Family Bible Notes sums 2 Corinthians 4:18 by saying that, “The endless glories which await faithful ministers and Christians, and for which their present trials are preparing them, are such that, in comparison, the latter are swallowed up and lost in the eternal greatness of the former.” This kind of joy made Jesus to endure all forms of ills to obtain it (Hebrews 12:2). Do you foresee that kind of joy? Does it make you to endure all trials and temptations of life? When you see the glory that awaits us as Christians you will never mind whatever may be the troubles of life that confronts you. It is my gracious desire that God will open your eyes to see His glory in Jesus name.

Food for Thought: 2 Corinthians 5:7

Prayer: Open my eyes O Lord, to behold what you have kept for me so that it will encourage me to live faithful life for you in Jesus name.


Sunday 17 May 2015


THEY PRAISED GOD           Monday May 18, 2015

Text: Luke 2:15 – 20              Memory verse: v 20

When Jesus was born, some shepherds were among the first people that got the good news of His birth. One would have expected the news to have gone to the Chief Priest or the Pharisees but God chose simple men who will value His birth (Luke 2:8 – 15). They did not make argument with the angel. The message prompted them to leave their sheep and went down to Bethlehem. They came and saw (2:16) just as the angel had told them (2:17). They were indeed privileged to have seen all these. They saw the act as the grace of God. As they were returning to care for their flocks, they glorified God for what He had shown them, and for the blessedness which they felt.

There is always joy when a child is born into any home. However, the birth of Jesus was a special case and the joy and emotion expressed by these simple hearts were not just because a child was born, rather because they have seen the Messiah that has been spoken of, and also the privilege of being among the first set to do so. Do you praise God when he gives you a rare privilege? How do you react when you are privileged to hear the truth – frown at the messenger or you take it seriously? The honour these shepherd had, came out of their obedience. Obedience is the best proof of our love for God.

Food for Thought: We can only be privileged to God’s goodness when we obey his instructions and commandments.

Prayer: Grant me the heart of obedience to your word O Lord which is the major source of blessings.


OUR RESPONSIBILITY             Sunday May 17, 2015

Text: Colossians 1:24 – 29         Memory verse: v 28

Jesus left his disciples during His ascension so that they can preach to the world (Acts 1:8). That assignment is for us too; to preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Paul sees this commission as our responsibility and duty toward humanity. Proclaiming of Jesus Christ included both warning and teaching. The word warn (also translated “admonishing”) connects with repentance and refers to a person’s conduct and heart attitude. Teach is connected to faith and doctrine and refers to a person’s intellect. The warning and teaching always had one goal in mind: we want to present the believers to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. This reminds us of the song: Must I go empty handed (SS&S 789). What will you present to God on the day of reckoning as your labour of many years in the Church?    

We should not remain like babies in the faith, easily led away by something new (see 1 Corinthians 3:1 – 2). Instead, we are to grow up into spiritual maturity as not to be enticed by false teachings. This is possible through personal relationship with Christ empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who helps believers grow in faith and maturity until the day when Christ returns. Always yield to Him.  

Food for Thought: Any challenge for us in Acts 20:20, 27 and 31?

Prayer: God, help me to live up to my responsibility as a Christian.

Friday 15 May 2015



WHEN GOD TEACHES                                    Saturday May 16, 2015

Text: Luke 24:30 – 32                                          Memory verse: v 32

The power in the word of God is expressed in Hebrews 4:12. It is the most potent weapon on earth that can never be hindered by brick wall or iron or any hard object. It can penetrate anything on this earth. There is no stony heart it cannot melt.

Jesus had vanished as quickly as He had come (24:31), and the two disciples were left to discuss how their hearts were stirred as Jesus had talked with them and had opened the Scriptures to them. Their eyes were now opened to the reality of the scriptures. This shows how blind men may be to the plainest doctrines of the Scriptures until they are explained to them. It is therefore proper that those whose office it is to explain the Scriptures should always ask God for insight. Jesus can do that for us through the Holy Spirit.     

When we take the teachings of Jesus Christ to our hearts, it will imperceptibly change our mood from despair to warmed hearts. Our hopes will be confirmed and doubts dispelled. The teaching of Jesus will make us wiser and grant us insight as to doing what is the will of God for us. When it comes into us, it heals, delivers and protects us. His teaching makes the difference in our lives.

Food for Thought: Teachings of Jesus don’t leave any doubt behind. They are always convincing and inspiring that we can’t doubt them.    

Prayer: Lord, grant that all you teach me will make impact on my life so that it will confirm my hopes and dispel all doubts in my heart.


Thursday 14 May 2015


HE TAUGHT THEM                Friday May 15, 2015
Text: Luke 24:27 – 29                 Memory verse: v 27  
Last Thursday, we saw how Jesus reproved the two disciples on the way to Emmaus on slow of heart and lack of understanding. He did not just reprove them, He also taught them. This is very common in the ministry of Jesus. When there was no one who could throw stone on the woman caught in the very act, Jesus did not just allow her to go, He taught her that she should not go back to her sins again (John 8:11). The same happened in the case of the man born blind (John 9:35 – 38). Here He took the pain to expound what the scripture said about Him starting from the writings of Moses through David to the Prophets. It was a great exposition. No wonder their hearts were burning (24:32). This teaching was evident of His knowledge of the scriptures.
Three days before I wrote this devotion, God told me that we are easily provoked and we become angry because we do not make enough time to be with Him. Being with the Lord here is studying at His feet from where we receive directions on how best to live according to God’s will. Jesus is wise enough to instruct and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living. This makes His teaching the most appropriate in terms of pleasing God. Do you hunger for His teachings? We can never remain the same when he teaches us.
Food for Thought: Jesus traced himself in the Old Testament, a thing that some modern scholars do not seem able to do.

Prayer: Lord, help me to always submit myself to learn from you.

Wednesday 13 May 2015



Text: Romans 3:28 – 31 Memory verse: v 31

The teaching of some people these days gives cause for concern. How can someone say that fornication is not a sin because it is not in the 10 Commandments? God meant sex for married people. It is obvious that such teachings are of the devil aimed at deceiving people. Paul was wise to take away the calumny and reproach of those who are against the doctrine of justification with the words of our memory verse.

According to Albert Barnes, “This was an objection which would naturally be made; and which has thousands of times been since made, that the doctrine of justification by faith tends to licentiousness.” The doctrine of justification by faith alone does not overthrow but establishes the law in that it “Shows its excellence, its unchanging obligations, and lead men more earnestly, successfully, and perseveringly to strive to obey it” as opined by Family Bible Notes.

That we are saved by faith does not mean we are no longer under the law. The salvation of sinners through the incarnation, obedience, suffering, death, resurrection, and intercession of Christ, and by faith in him, all show that the law of God is holy, just, and good; that the violation of it is unspeakably wicked; and that it cannot be violated with impunity. The motives for obeying the law is to honour God; to show gratitude to the Redeemer, and become in heart and life like Him. How much do you obey the law? Neglecting the law because we are justified by faith is absolute disregard for God’s love for us.

Food for Thought: The law gave rise to our faith. Therefore there is no justification by faith that annuls the law.

Prayer: Help me O Lord, never to despise the law on the ground of faith.

Sunday 3 May 2015


THEY HAVE NO ROOT              Monday May 4, 2015

Text: Luke 8:11 – 15                 Memory verse: v 13

It is very impossible for any tree to stand or survive without the root. This is a basic truth about our relationship with God (John 15:5). Unfortunately, most of us Christians today still believe that we can stand without root. Yesterday, we saw the need to be deeply rooted in Christ so as not to be deceived.

Jesus classified the people who hear the word of God (Luke 8:1ff). This class that fell on the rock are people who hear the word of God but will not want to take a step further so as to be well grounded in faith of Christ. They still remain babes in Christ and thus are easily tossed to and fro (Ephesians 4:14 compare 1 Corinthians 3:1 – 3; Hebrews 5:12 14). Some were sincere and have made a real start in the life of faith. However, when temptation comes, they lose interest, stop coming to church and drop out of sight.

How rooted are you in Christ Jesus? To develop roots in Christ Jesus, we need to read and listen to the word of God always (Joshua 1:6 – 8). It is in constant meditation on the words of God that we can stand firm and grow up unto maturity. The deeper the root, the stronger it is for the tree to resist wind and tempest. So the deeper we have the word of God in us the stronger we are to resist temptations and trials. What level is your root in Christ? You can still go deeper. Maximize the opportunities to grow more roots.

Food for Thought: The deeper your root, the greater strength you will have to resist temptations and trials of life.  

Prayer: Lord, help me to be thoroughly rooted in you so I can resist trials

Saturday 2 May 2015


TO DECEIVE THE ELECT              Sunday May 3, 2015

Text: Matthew 24:23 – 27            Memory verse: v 24

One thing that present day Christians should be asking from God on daily basis is the gift of discernment so that they will not be deceived. Proliferation of Churches had assumed an alarming rate that the trend has left many questions in the minds of people who know what Church is really meant to be. Many of these churches were formed by agents of Satan for ulterior motives. Their sole aim is to deceive people.

A man got missing but after many months, resurfaced and became a Pastor performing miracles for people. Miracle workers are common in most churches today with the aim of deceiving people and making them loose focus on Christ. This warning about the end time should make every serious minded Christian to be very cautious.

As a child of God, how do you assess who is genuine or not? Do you just believe whatever someone says is from God? God is not author of confusion and can never contradict Himself. He has given us all that we need to enable us stand (Ephesians 4:11 – 14; Hebrews 13:9). We should be deeply rooted in Christ (Colossians 1:23; 2:6, 7). The Bible urges us to test every spirit to know who is real or not (1 John 4:1).

Food for Thought: 1 John 4:1

Prayer: God, grant me discretionary spirit so that I will not be deceived.


THEY WILL KNOW ME             Saturday May 2, 2015

Text: Jeremiah 31:31 – 34       Memory verse: v 34  

Yesterday, we saw that total loyalty in our call is seen in our commitment to serving God and humanity without reservations. One can only be loyal when he has known God. When one has known God, he brings in the fear of God in anything he does. He clearly portrays sincerity, absolute commitment and obedience. Such a person is never cajoled into doing what is expected of him.

God spoke through Jeremiah that in the era of Christ, people will know Him. No one needs to be persuaded before he can know God. This will be the result of the covenant God will make with His people (Jeremiah 31:34). It shall be a time of universal knowledge; all shall know God in Christ, from the least to the greatest.

Have you known God? Does your claim of having the knowledge of God reflect in your serving Him? If this does not reflect in your relationship with God and others, your assumption is vague and deceitful. You had better search your life now because God knows those who are His people.

Food for Thought: Isaiah 54:13. 

Prayer: Lord, teach me to know you so I will no longer be ignorant of you

Awake From Sleep: Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020

MY DAILY COVENANT WITH GOD DEVOTIONAL Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020 Topic: Awake From Sleep                                Text...