Thursday 2 April 2015


YOU ARE HIS OWN                                                Friday April 3, 2015

Text: Isaiah 43:1 – 7                                           Memory verse: v 1

When God says something, He takes it seriously and performs it to the letter. When God calls you, He will take you as His and your concerns become His too. I wonder at times if I would be alive by now if not that God called me by my name and made me His own. It is not only I but many others. What about you?

God told the Israelites through Isaiah that they are His. In previous chapter, God rebuked Judah and Israel for not walking with Him. This chapter started with ‘but’. This means that despite their weaknesses, they are still His people because of the covenant He had with them. Though many among them were stubborn and incorrigible, yet He would continue His love and care for them.

Beloved in Christ, as long as you are alive you are a child of God. For those who are still living in sin, they are prospective children of God. Therefore, do not think God has given up on you. You may be bad and struggling to live right; you may be trying to overcome sin but all to no avail or you may be trying to stop a habit but you find yourself going even deeper into it. God has not given up on you because His mercies are there. Just keep following.       

Food for Thought: God's favour and good-will to His people, Israel speak abundant comfort to all believers.

Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to overcome my weakness because of the mercies you have for your people.


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