Monday 20 April 2015


WEIGHED AND FAILED                                  Tuesday April 21, 2015

Text: Daniel 5:23b - 29                                        Memory verse: v 27

Yesterday, we read how Belshazzar took sacred vessels to drink with his lords, wives and concubines which prompted a hand from heaven to write on the wall. There, God told him that he defiled Him. Today we read about one of the words written on wall – TEKEL. This literally means that “You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.” The writing on the wall was a message for all those who defy God. 

Although Belshazzar had power and wealth, his kingdom was totally corrupt as we have in most countries of the world today, and he could not withstand the judgment of God. Life Application Notes says, “God’s time of judgment comes for all people. If you have forgotten God and slipped into a sinful way of life, turn away from your sin now before he removes any opportunities to repent. Ask God to forgive you, and begin to live by his standards of justice.”

Beloved, if God suddenly brings a screen in view of everyone in your church to show what your life was in the past one year only, will you stand in their midst without looking for where to hide? If God gives the report card of your Christianity, what will be your grade? We should not forget that God will soon take from us our earthly stewardship; then we shall be weighed in the balances of His word, and if found wanting, our doom will be like that of Belshazzar – exceedingly terrible but God forbid! See 1 Corinthians 10:12.

Food for Thought: Psalm 62:9

Prayer: When you will weigh our works here O Lord, may I not be found wanting. Grant me the grace I need to walk in your will always. 

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