Tuesday 14 April 2015


PROPER ADMONITION                                  Wednesday April 15, 2015

Text: Psalm 97:8 – 12                                           Memory verse: v 10

Jesus Christ said, "If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Our love for God should be seen in most things we love or hate. Here is a proper and right admonition from a man after God’s heart. David was a man who loved God. He admonished us to show our love for God by hating what is evil. We cannot profess true love for God without hating that which He hates. This led to what Jesus said in John 14:15.

We are not only to avoid evil, and to refuse to countenance it, but we must be in arms against it, and bear towards it a hearty indignation. What God hates is evil. He requires two things from us: that we should detest vices and put our trust in Him for our deliverance. David exhorts us to hate it too. When we hate sin, it may also expose us to attack of the ungodly, but he assured that His promise is to deliver the godly.

Our Lord reigns and those who serve the Lord may often face difficulty, and seem to be in the hand of the wicked, but Christians can rejoice knowing that God is ultimately in control. Although the world may sometimes seem a very dark place, light is shed upon the righteous always.

Food for Thought: If we truly love God, we must not only hate and avoid sin but we must be armed against it. 

Prayer: Lord, may I hate sin the way you hate it as evidence of my love for you


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