Saturday 18 April 2015


HOW TO REAP IN JOY                                   Sunday April 19, 2015

Psalm 126:5 – 6                                                  Memory verse: v 5

For anyone to reap with joy, that person must sow in tears. What then does it mean to sow in tears?  See 2 Samuel 24:24. Any offering that doesn’t cost us anything will not be valued by God. One wise saying of my people has it that, “Whatever you will not miss when you give it out will not be valued by whosoever you give it to.” Our tears can be seeds that will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out of tragedy. When burdened by sorrow, know that your times of grief will end and that you will again find joy. We must be patient as we wait. God’s great harvest of joy is coming! According to Family Bible Notes, “The most successful undertakings have often been commenced in the midst of great difficulties and with much weeping. The spiritual seed that is abundantly watered with godly tears will bring forth a rich harvest of golden sheaves.” 

What is that you want to reap? Is it spouse, admission, employment, breakthrough in business, peace, stable marriage, etc? All these have prices tagged on them. It may be fasting, mid night prayers, works of charity, supporting work of evangelism, sponsoring a revival service or crusade in your village church, giving out your landed property/car to the church, supporting publication of this devotional so it can reach others. As you sow in tears by denying yourself some pleasures, you will certainly reap in joy.

Food for Thought: How best can you sow in tears so as to reap in joy?

Prayer: Lord, as I continually go forth sowing in tears, grant that I will finally reap in joy now and unto eternal life in Jesus name.

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