Tuesday 31 March 2015


TO HIM THAT BELIEVES                              Wednesday April 1, 2015

Text: Mark 9:17 – 27                                          Memory verse: v 23

Christ never compels anyone to take gifts and blessings which he has to bestow. We usually complain of our sparse blessedness but we forget unbelief shuts off Christ’s hand from things that come as a result of His grace. Thus to him or her that believes it shall be done. God can use very weak and imperfect agents. He can do great things with poor instruments. However, there is one kind of person He will not use. He will not send blessing to the world through an unbelieving heart.

If you would be a vessel meet for the Master’s use, you must have faith. Believe in Christ that He is able and willing to do the ‘greater things’ which He has promised to do through His disciples. If you have faith, there is no limit to what Christ will do for you. Hear Helen Keller, a blind lady, “Dark as my path may seem to others, I carry a magic light in my heart. Faith, the spiritual strong searchlight illumines the way, and although sinister doubts lurk in the shadow, I walk unafraid toward the Enchanted Wood where the foliage is always green, where joy abides, where nightingales nest and sing, and where life and death are one in the presence of the Lord.” Any lesson/challenge for us in this quotation?

Food for Thought: What someone accomplishes depends on what he/she believes.

Prayer: Grant me a believing heart O Lord, so I can receive your blessings.

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