Sunday, 8 March 2015



CALLED TO BE SAINTS                              Monday March 9, 2015

Text: Romans 1:1 – 7                                      Memory verse: v 7

Jesus Christ called us to become Christians so that we will (1) belong to God’s family, and (2) be His very own people. What a wonderful expression of what it means to be a Christian! In being reborn into God’s family we have the greatest experience of love and the greatest inheritance. It is a call to be set apart for God in our commitments; through worship, prayer, study and love for our fellow human being. All that God has done for us should challenge us to strive to become His holy people (saints). Saints applies to anything that is set apart to the service of God, to the temple, to the sacrifices, to the utensils about the temple, to the garments, etc.

Our call as Christians is very unique in the sense that what is expected of Mr A is expected of Mr B. The standard God has for all of us is the same: faith, obedience, holiness, and love for Him, and for our neighbours, etc. How are you striving to attain these standards? We know that in the world there will be hindrances, trials and temptations, but Jesus and some Bible characters have set examples for us. We can’t fail. Our call is to become saints. Strive for it no matter the oppositions.

Food for Thought: 1 Thessalonians 4:7.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to live a holy life into which you have called me through the grace of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Amen.     

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