Thursday, 8 October 2020

Awake From Sleep: Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020


Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020

Topic: Awake From Sleep                               

Text: Ephesians 5:12 – 20                         

As Christians, we should stand for the truth; we shouldn’t get caught up in gossip about the shameful actions of sinful people (Ephesians 5:12). We should not promote or dignify sin by even so much as discussing it. What the ungodly people do in secret becomes clear for how evil it is as light shines on them. Nothing can hide from the light piercing through darkness. Believers are the “rays” of that light. By our actions (Ephesians 5:8 – 12), we become instruments of light, exposing the dark acts of sin.

Apostle Paul instructs us to expose these deeds, because our silence may be interpreted as approval. God needs people who will take a stand for what is right. Christians must lovingly speak out for what is true and right. This is not optional.

It is for this reason the Apostle calls on compromising Christians to wake up from sleep (Ephesians 5:14) and begin to live for Christ. What Paul was stressing here is that the Ephesians should wake up and realize the dangerous condition into which some of them had been slipping into. Are such things not seen in our present day Christendom where we pretend and are nonchalant to our call to rebuke evil and sin? Are we not unperturbed and senseless in the darkness, and pollution of sin, and sometimes rename sin so as to cover our unrighteousness?

We should wake from death in sin to a sense of our guilty, lost condition, and look to Him who died for us, and He will make us light. We should redeem the time we have lost while asleep by being active for God. God is waiting for you to act. Start now (Isaiah 60:1)!   

Food for Thought: Romans 13:11 & 12

Memory verse: Ephesians 5 v 14

Prayer: Almighty God, give us grace to cast way the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility so that on the last day, when He shall come again in His glorious majesty: to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through Him who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever (Collect for Advent Sunday). 

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

The Fruit of the Spirit: Devotion for Thursday October 8, 2020



Devotion for Thursday October 8, 2020

Topic: The Fruit of the Spirit          

Text: Ephesians 5:6 – 11                             

Yesterday, we read Paul’s admonition on the need to be mindful and cautious about what we say and also to avoid immorality. Few days before I wrote this devotion, a friend of mine in Facebook asked a question: “Will someone who is caught up in sin during rapture make heaven?” He went further to say that the reason for his question was that he heard a renowned General Overseer of a big church in Nigeria say that not “accepting Christ as Saviour is the only thing that can take someone out of Kingdom of God and not sin because Jesus had already paid the price of sin.”

This kind of General Overseer belongs to the group Paul mentioned in Ephesians 5:6. They are deceivers according to Family Bible Notes which posited that “Those who maintain that continuance in sin will not exclude men from heaven are deceivers. As such they should be treated and their doctrines be rejected.”

Instead of falling to their deceits, we should rather avoid them (Ephesians 5:7) as people who are now in light and should walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8). The reason we should walk in light is our memory verse for today. We should bear fruit of the Spirit which is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth (Ephesians 5:9).

Are you bearing the fruit of goodness, righteousness and truth? Such fruit is the only thing that can distinguish us as true Christians.

Food for Thought: Galatians 5:22, 23.

Memory verse: Ephesians 5 v 9    

Prayer: My Lord, give me the grace and all I need to bear Fruit of the Spirit as a true Christian.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

As Befits the Saints: Devotion for Wednesday October 7, 2020


Devotion for Wednesday October 7, 2020

Topic: As Befits the Saints                              

Text: Ephesians 5:3 – 5                              

There are things that befit Christians and there are things that shouldn’t be associated with Christians and Christianity. In our text for the day, Paul is saying to us that filthy lusts must be rooted out of our lives. These immoral sins mentioned in Ephesians 5:3 – 6 must be dreaded and detested by Christians. Most of us find pleasure in obscene stories and coarse jokes that we begin to take them for granted.

However, Paul cautions that outside immorality Ephesians 5:3, improper language should have no place in the Christian’s conversation because it does not reflect God’s gracious presence in us (Ephesians 5:4). How can we praise God and remind others of His goodness when we are speaking coarsely? These shouldn’t be associated with us who are Christians because by our call, we are made holy unto God and such acts of immorality defiles us.

Our society today is a liberal one. People do what pleases them. Sexual immorality includes any kind of sexual perversion and many people have claimed some bible passages to back up their sexual immoralities. Sexual immorality was tolerated in the pagan Roman society (see Romans 1:24 – 32), but it should not exist in the Christian community especially our own. Neither should there be any impurity amongst us. No matter the name some Christians call sin to cover their evil, true Christians should be different. We must hate sin because God does so.

Food for Thought: Ephesians 4:17 – 19

Memory verse: Ephesians v 3

Prayer: Help me to mortify, O Lord, every immoral desire in my life in Jesus name.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Be Like Your Father: Be Like Your Father



Be Like Your Father

Topic: Be Like Your Father   

Text: Ephesians 5:1 – 2                        

Here in our scriptural reading for the day, Paul reminds us that our perfect example is God. We haven’t see God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. It is God the Son that we have heard about Him in the Scriptures. When Paul said that we should imitate God, he was talking about Christ. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus said, "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” This is what our call as Christians demand.

In being like our father in heaven, we should imitate;

1) His acts of mercy (Luke 6:36).

2) His compassionate life (Mark 1:41; Luke 7:11 – 15). We should also show compassion to people especially those in need.

3) We should love as He loves us (John 3:16; 13:34; 15:12.)

4) We shouldn’t condemn people (John 3:17; 8:10, 11).

5) We should be like Him in obedience (Philippians 2:5 – 11).

6) We should be just and maintain justice too (Isaiah 30:18).   

Just as children imitate their parents, we should follow God’s example. His great love for us led Him to sacrifice Himself so that we might live. Our love for others should be of the same kind; a love that goes beyond affection to self-sacrificing service. We have reason for everlasting gratitude to God that He has given us a perfect example; and it should be our great object perfectly to imitate it.   

Food for Thought: Matthew 5:48

Memory verse: Ephesians 5 v 1

Prayer: God, make me perfect as you are as I imitate you daily through godly living in Jesus name.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

No Intercessor: Devotion for Sunday October 4, 2020



Devotion for Sunday October 4, 2020

Topic: No Intercessor                                    

Text: Isaiah 59:16 – 21                              

This passage is connected with the following chapters. It is generally thought to describe the coming of the Messiah, as the Avenger and Deliverer of His church. There was none to intercede with God to turn away His wrath; none to interpose for the support of justice and truth. Yet He engaged His own strength and righteousness for His people.

Isaiah 62:6 & 7, say, “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” This passage explains the importance of intercessors. Unfortunately, God sought for the intercessors but found none as we have in our bible reading for the day. Maybe that informed the decision in Isaiah 62:6 and 7.

There was no man to intercede for the course of truth and equity. Despite no intercessors, God saved His people for His own glory because by His righteousness He is bound to maintain the cause of truth.

Beloved, God has called us as watchmen not only to our immediate family alone but to the society where we live. How much are we interceding for them? As watchmen and watchwomen, how serious do we take this call God has placed on us? We should note that our call as Christians is not just to enjoy our relationship with God alone but to help others through preaching and intercession. We should not fail in intercession.

In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus Christ taught us, He used plural form and not singular – Our father, forgive us, give us, etc. We should make it a priority to pray for salvation and deliverance of people because we are product of other people’s intercession too.

Food for Thought: When last did you intercede for sinners especially that person in your neighbourhood, office or business arena?

Memory verse: Isaiah 59 v 16

Prayer: Lord, lay the burden of intercession in my heart in Jesus name.

Intercessors, Lord’s prayer, Watchmen, Prayer, Jerusalem, Messiah, Devotion,

Friday, 2 October 2020

They Drove Away Justice: Devotion for Saturday October 3, 2020



Devotion for Friday October 2, 2020

Topic: They Drove Away Justice

Text: Isaiah 59:9 – 15                                

According to Matthew Henry Concise Commentary, “If we shut our eyes against the light of Divine truth, it is just with God to hide from our eyes the things that belong to our peace.” No wonder the bible says that “There is no peace, says the Lord, for the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22; 57:21). A situation where the sins of those who profess themselves as God's people, are worse than the sins of others is very unfortunate.

Here in our bible reading for the day, the Prophet Isaiah decries the sad state of the nation where justice and righteousness are absent in the courts of law (Zechariah 8:16), and in social matters in general. All over the scriptures, God is always against injustice. He upholds justices and righteousness and He expects nothing less from us. But sad to say that He got the least from His people and was displeased about it.

What can we say of our present day religious and political leaders in this generation especially in our nation, Nigeria? Are they upholding justice? What of our judges? Have they not turned back justice by declaring the guilty, innocent and the innocent, guilty? Compare Amos 5:12 and 6:12.

Beloved, God is never happy when we pervert justice. It is a wicked and sinful person that does so (Proverbs 7:23). When we witness in any case, we should also not testify to pervert justice (Exodus 23:2). That should be the mark of true Christianity we confess.

Food for Thought: Deuteronomy 16:19

Memory verse: Isaiah 59 v 14

Prayer: Grant me the grace, O Lord to always stand for justice no matter the circumstances in Jesus name.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Our God Is Not Handicapped: Devotion for Friday October 2, 2020


Devotion for Friday October 2, 2020

Topic: Our God Is Not Handicapped                 

Text: Isaiah 59:1 – 8                                

It is erroneous to believe that God is handicapped. It is the belief of some many people that is why their miracles elude them and that is the reason some give up the faith and drop their bibles.

In 1 Samuel 5:1 – 5, is the story of how God proved that He is not handicapped and can fight for Himself. His Ark of Covenant was taken to the shrine of Philistine god, Dagon and He brought the statue down on two occasions. Unlike the Muslims who always take to arms when they perceive that Mohammed their prophet has been blasphemed. Our God fights for Himself. If we are not saved and our prayers are not answered, it is not because God is handicapped or incapacitated.

Here we see sin in its consequences; exceedingly hurtful, separating from God, and so separating us, not only from all good, but to all evil and their consequences. Yet there are many who derive joy in living in sin. This is very unfortunate!

Because God is holy, He cannot ignore, excuse, or tolerate sin as though it didn’t matter. Sin cuts people off from Him, forming a wall to isolate God from the people He loves. No wonder this long list of wretched sins makes God angry and forces Him to look the other way. People, who die with their life of sin, separate themselves eternally from God.

Finally, let us always search ourselves because our salvation is not because God is handicapped but because of our sins. Have you confessed to God and repented of them, allowing Him to remove it? The Lord can save you if you turn to Him. Maximize this opportunity because He is ever willing to save you if you can repent.   

Food for Thought: You can hinder your salvation and blessings not because God is incapacitated.

Memory verse: Isaiah 59 v 1

Prayer: God, I repent of my sins today (mention them) because they are hindrance to my blessings in Jesus name.

Awake From Sleep: Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020

MY DAILY COVENANT WITH GOD DEVOTIONAL Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020 Topic: Awake From Sleep                                Text...