Wednesday 31 May 2017

Share The Good News

Devotion for Thursday June 1, 2017
Topic: Share The Good News
Text: 2 Kings 7:9
Christianity is all about compassion from God to Man and from Man to Man. Anything short of this is not the true Christianity. As a Christian, if you don’t have compassion on your fellow Christians or even your enemies, your Christianity is incomplete and you are not worthy to be called a Christian.
After these lepers have eaten and drunk, they realized that it would not be the right thing to enjoy the food and drinks alone (2 Kings 7:9). Do you eat and enjoy alone? Repent from it and learn how to share with others. The lepers went and told the gatekeepers of the city because they were not allowed into the city. The gatekeepers in turn told the King. The King doubted the fact that the Syrians had left. This is how we doubt when God is at work at times but my prayer is that God will surprise you this season. The lepers discovered the deserted camp and realized their lives had been spared. At first they kept the good news to themselves, forgetting their fellow citizens, who were starving in the city. They had a compassionate heart which made them to go back into the city with the good news.
The Good News about Jesus Christ must be shared, too, for no news is more important in this our present generation. We must not forget those who are dying without it. We must not become so preoccupied with our own faith that we neglect sharing it with those around us. We shouldn’t “wait until morning.” Today, determine to be compassionate and to show kindness to someone by sharing with him/her the gospel of Christ. Make it part of your life to share with others the gospel.
Action: Reach someone with the Gospel today. Don’t disappoint God.
Memory verse: 2 Kings 7 verse 9
Prayer: God, grant me a compassionate and charitable heart to share my blessings with others especially the Good news of the kingdom.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Rejoice With Me

Devotion for Wednesday May 31, 2017
Topic: Rejoice With Me
Text: Psalm 118:1 – 24
There are days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice. On such days our mood is down, our situation is out of hand, and our sorrow or guilt is overwhelming. On such day, we will wish death to come and take us but not so on a day like this for me and my family.
This psalm is the last of ‘Hallel’ or Praise psalms (Ps 113 – 118). It is caption Praise for Deliverance. There are things God does for us that we cannot keep quiet about. Here, the Psalmist called on us to give thanks to God (118:1) for his mercies (118:1 – 4). He recounted how he called on the Lord and He answered (118:5). This boosted his confidence in God to assert that he will not fear man. This made him to call on us to put our confidence in God and not man. For what God did for him, he called on those who love God, to rejoice with him.
In the same way, I am calling on those who love God to rejoice with me because of what God had done in my life. Today, I am celebrating my 50th Birthday. I never knew I would be alive due to the waters, rivers and fires of life I had passed through. Nobody who saw me in the year 2003 would believe that I would be alive to see this day but my prayer then had been Ps 118:17.
Today, I have every reason to rejoice and I say to God, “Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord. I will praise you, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation. This was the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Join me on Saturday 3rd June, 2017 in a Birthday Thanksgiving Service at Cathedral Church of St. Peter Asaba by 10:00am. God bless you.
Food for Thought: Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
Memory verse: Psalm 118 verse 24
Prayer: Join me to thank God for my life and pray for more mercies and grace upon my life and family on this my birthday.

Monday 29 May 2017

God Controls Nature

Devotion for Tuesday May 30, 2017
Topic: God Controls Nature
Text: 2 King 7:5 – 8
There is nothing God created that He cannot use to glorify His name and fight His enemies. He can use wind, water, animals and many more. We have all over the Bible how God used nature to glorify Himself.
In our scriptural reading, God used noise to scare the enemies of Israel away because He was touched by the suffering of His people. The noise, the Syrian army heard threw them into panic and confusion; they imagined they were about to be attacked by powerful auxiliaries, which the King of Israel had hired against them. It was a great miracle which God wrought directly to deliver His people. The Syrian left their belongings including foods, and ran for their lives (2 Kings 7:7).
Geneva Bible Notes affirms that “God needs no great preparation to destroy the wicked. Though they are many He can scatter them with a small noise, or shaking of a leaf.” God is the one that fights for us (Exodus 14:14; Deuteronomy 1:30; 20:4). Have the enemies laid siege against you and you are now in distress? Are enemies threatening your life in your office or neighbourhood? God is the one who can use anything to defend, protect and save His people. Call upon Him. Remember He controls the hornet. Just keep trusting Him because He can use any of His creatures for our own good.
Food for Thought: There is nothing impossible with our God.
Memory verse: 2 Kings 7 verse 6 
Prayer: Fight for me, O Lord, against all the plans of the enemies against my life and my family.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Courage Leads To Miracle

Devotion for Monday May 29, 2017
Topic: Courage Leads To Miracle
Text: 2 Kings 7:3 – 4
Many people have failed because they were unwillingness to make attempt on their dreams. Many, out of fear and doubt have missed opportunities to advance in life and make good progress. A good example in the Bible was Saul who couldn’t dare confront Goliath. David a youth did and God honoured his faith. Saul failed because he didn’t attempt. God would have empowered him to face Goliath.
These four lepers had no other option as far as their survival in that period of famine was concerned. Death was staring them at the face because of the famine. If they stay put to the place they were, death will come. If they go into the enemies’ camp, death may come but there is also opportunity of getting food to eat. So they decided to venture into the enemies’ camp. They did not just think about it, they took action (2 Kings 7:5). To the surprise of the lepers there was no enemy in the camp (2 Kings 7:6). They’ve all fled because God had caused them to flee after hearing a mysterious sound of what seems like the coming of a mighty troop against them. God will cause your enemies to give way before you appear in Jesus name.
Are you afraid to make an attempt concerning that business, examination, project, proposal to that lady about marriage, appeal for help and assistance, etc? Ask God to remove fear from you and grant you the spirit of boldness. The lepers had enough to eat and were not selfish (2 Kings 7:9 – 11). Are you selfish with what God has blessed you with? Repent and learn to share what you have with others. It is my prayer and desire that this year, as you bravely act upon the word of God because doors will certainly open for you. Favour will always meet with you. Know that the greatest obstacles to your receiving are fear and doubt. Just believe God you can make it this year in Jesus name.
Food for Thought: You have 50 – 50 chance of getting what you want from God and people by asking than not attempting at all.
Memory verse: 2 Kings 7 verse 4b
Prayer: God, grant me the spirit of courage to dare and venture in my endeavours in Jesus name.

Saturday 27 May 2017

The Danger In Doubting God's Word

Devotion for Sunday May 28, 2017
Topic: The Danger In Doubting God’s Word
Text: 2 Kings 7:1 – 2
When Angel Gabriel gave God’s message to Zachariah that his wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son they will call John, he doubted the message because he and his wife were aged, and he was punished. God did not spare him because he was a priest. He became dumb till God fulfilled what he doubted (Luke 1:18–20; 1:62–64). Doubt and faithlessness has consequences on our lives as they deny us most of the good things that should have come our way.
The statement of the officer in our text was an expression of unbelief, for which Elisha immediately announced that he should be excluded from a share in the coming plenty. It is unlikely that this prediction will be fulfilled, that the officer thought God must pour out wheat and barley from heaven before it could have a literal accomplishment. The way this man was cut off from this blessing is the most unfortunate thing that can happen to any man. He saw but didn’t partake of it.
Do you doubt God’s promises about getting married, getting a good job, admission, children, etc? Repent today before God will punish you for doubting. Rom. 4:17–22 is clear evidence that Abraham did not waver in faith. Trust God as Abraham did. There are many requests we make and fail to receive the answer not because God is not willing to answer us but because of our doubt and unbelief. No wonder the opinion of James in James 1:6. Doubt can bring fear and make us undermine the potentials in us. Again, we should be mindful of saying negative things about ourselves and others as words are living being.
Food for Thought: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we might win by fearing to attempt – William Shakespeare.
Memory verse: 2 Kings 7 verse 2b

Prayer: God, remove fear and doubt in me, and strengthen my faith in Jesus name.

Friday 26 May 2017

Honour For Parents

Devotion for Saturday May 27, 2017
Topic: Honour For Parents
Text: Exodus 20:12
Happy Children day to all our children! Honouring our parents is very important commandment that no one should despise. The reason is simple; it is one of the prerequisites for long life; the only commandment with a promise attached to it (Ex. 20:12b & Eph. 6:2). Parents as used here do not mean our biological parents only but all elders and people authority in the society and the church. By honour, it means we should esteem them both inwardly and outwardly. It demands that we should also fear (Lev. 19:3) and reverence them (Heb. 12:9). Above all it demands obedience to their lawful commands (Eph. 6:1 – 3).
The command to obey parents places a demand on children to come when they call them; go where they send them, do what they bid them and never do what they forbid them. Honour also involves submission to their rebukes, instructions and corrections, endeavouring in everything to make their old age easy for them; maintaining them if they are in need of your support. From the above we can deduce that children as used here do not necessarily mean infants but as many as have parents.
Children are commanded to obey their parents (Deut. 5:16 & Eph. 6:2). However, parents should also be models and good examples for their children to emulate. Do you live well as a parent? Children, do you honour your parents? Know that the long life you will enjoy depends on how much you honour your parents. Happy children’s day celebrations!
Food for Thought: Colossians 3:20
Memory verse: Exodus 20 verse 12

Prayer: Lord, help me to honour my parents and all in authority as expected.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Consequences Of Famine

Devotion for Friday May 26, 2017
Topic: Consequences Of Famine
Text: 2 Kings 6:29
In June 2016, I read a story of how a woman used her child as a surety to get garri (a staple food in Nigeria made from cassava) from a trader in Osun state, Nigeria because she is being owe 7 months’ salary. This is the level people can be desperate to get food in time of crises.
The famine that led to our text was the greatest and worst famine in the history of Israel. It was so severe that people were killing and eating their children. This came as a result of God’s judgment. When we deliberately commit sin, God punishes us and it is usually very severe. Many things can lead to famine – sin, disobedience, for divine purpose, natural disaster like drought and invasion of an area by locust, etc. From what happened in the following verses, it seems the famine was pronounced by Elisha (2 Kings 6:30 – 31).
When the famine came to the level of people eating their children, Elisha went to the Lord and He spoke to him (2 Kings 7:1ff). When we come to crossroad on issues that confuse us, we should go to God for He has solutions to our problems. Elisha knew God was the source of all solution that defies all human wisdom. What would have led to the agreement to kill their children? Indeed, Moses foretold that this very evil shall come upon them if they forsake God (Deut. 28:53 & 57). This evil also came upon them when Nebuchadnezzar besieged Israel (Ezek. 5:10). Killing and eating of fellow human being as one of the consequences of famine is inhuman and against God’s commandment. Let us avoid whatsoever will bring famine by carefully obeying God.     
Food for Thought: Sin and disobedience has grievous consequences
Memory verse: 2 Kings 6 verse 29
Prayer: God, remove anything that will bring famine and its consequences in my life and family.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

The Rich Man And Lazarus

Devotion for Wednesday May 24, 2017
Topic: The Rich Man And Lazarus
Text: Luke 16:19 – 31
There are so many inspiring lessons for us in this story. One mistake people make in life is to think that money is everything. It is not so. Again, wealth is not a perimeter to judge God’s blessings and favour. The Pharisees considered wealth to be a proof of a person’s righteousness but Jesus shocked them with this story in which a diseased beggar was rewarded and a rich man was punished. The rich man did not go to hell because of his wealth but because he was selfish, refusing to feed Lazarus, take him in, or care for him. The rich man was hard-hearted in spite of his great blessings.
The amount of money we have is not as important as the way we use it. What is your attitude toward your money and possessions? Do you hoard them selfishly, or do you use them to help others? There is something worth noting in Luke 16:22. Lazarus died and was carried by angels to Abraham’s bosom while the rich man was buried. This shows that no amount of burial changes the final destination of man.
What determines our final destination is the way we live when we are alive. Therefore beware of the way you live and use your wealth. The rich man thought that his five brothers would surely believe a messenger who had been raised from the dead. But Abraham asserted that if they did not believe Moses and the prophets, who spoke constantly of caring for the poor, not even a resurrection would convince them. Are you like this rich man? Don’t wait for the messenger from the dead. Repent now and accept Jesus as your Saviour. 
Food for Thought: What is your attitude towards your money and possessions?
Memory verse: Luke 16 verse 22
Prayer: Lord God, help me to accept your message of salvation now and not to wait for a message or messenger from the dead in Jesus name.

Monday 22 May 2017

Signs Of True Christianity

Devotion for Tuesday May 23, 2017
Topic: Signs Of True Christianity                                   
Text: Colossians 3:12 – 17                                                                             
When the early followers of Christ exhibited some characters in Antioch, they were easily called Christians – Christ-like (Acts 11:26). Christian should be known by their character. No wonder Jesus challenged us to shine as light and live as salt (Matt. 5:13 – 16). He also urged us to love one another (Jn. 14:34 & 35).
Here, Paul urged us to put on virtues that will single us out as God’s elect; virtues that speak for us as true believers. How many virtues did he mention in this text? God’s elect here means chosen, set apart, sanctified or consecrated. Christians are requested to put on these virtues; tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, etc, as the regalia with which we should be known. As God’s elect we should manifest spirit of kindness, gentleness, and love towards Christians and non-Christians.
Sadly, this is not so among us. We love only those we know; contrary to what the Bible says. What do you exhibit as mark of your Christianity? Do you show tender mercies as a Christian? Are you kind, humble, meek, showing longsuffering, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you? Are you among the people who wear long garment, carry the biggest bible or attend all church programmes to be noticed when you are a wolf in your neighbourhood? How do you treat people when they offend you? Do you show longsuffering when offended? Search yourself and repent before it will be late. Show your Christianity by exhibiting true virtues everywhere you go.
Food for Thought: Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal or eloquence.
Memory verse: Colossians 3 verse 12
Prayer: God, grant me the grace to develop true character of a Christian.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Devotion for Monday May 22, 2017
Topic: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus                                         
Text: Hebrews 12:1 – 2
Apprentices or servants learn under their master or coach through observation. In such a way they will see how their master/coach does things and learn perfectly. This concept is what our text expresses. Jesus as the Leader and Instructor of our faith (Living Bible) is indispensible in our Christian lives and walk as Church militants. If we must succeed and live a meaningful life as Christians, we must as a matter of priority and not choice look up unto Him always for guidance and instruction. Living Bible translated Heb. 12:2 as “Keep your eyes on Jesus ...” This exhortation means two things for us here. 1. Looking unto Jesus means we (Christians) should place all our hope and confidence in Christ only, as the source of our help in our Christian race. 2. It implies that we (Christians) should consider Jesus as our leader and instructor, always following His example in all we do. In this heavenly race, keep your eyes on Jesus for He knows your tomorrow. When Jesus Christ called on Peter to walk up to him on top of water, all was well as long as he kept his eyes on Him. When he removed his eyes from Jesus Christ, he started seeing the waves which made him to start sinking (Matt 14:25–31). As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will not see the enemies around us. We will not see the arrows of the wicked ones neither can we see all the things that will frighten us. It is my earnest prayer that you will not remove your eyes from Jesus Christ, the author of your faith.
Food for Thought: We can’t run our race perfectly when we are not focused on Jesus Christ who is the author and initiator of the race.
Memory verse: Hebrews 12 verse 2

Prayer: Help me, O Lord, to focus on Jesus for strength and grace in this heavenly race. 

Friday 19 May 2017

Faith And Action: Two Sides Of The Coin

Devotion for Saturday May 20, 2017
Topic: Faith And Action: Two Sides Of The Coin                      
Text: James 1:22
Faith without work is dead so says James in Jas 2:26. For anyone to become a faithful Christian, he/she must developed faith as a virtue in personal life and works. Today, Abraham is called the father of the faithful because by his works he proved his faith. God didn’t tell him where to go, but by the instruction to leave his father land, he left (Gen 12:4). Many of us today will argue with God to tell us where He is sending us. Great heroes and heroines of the Scriptures attained that status because of the faith they demonstrated in their walk with God. Faith goes with action. Both are two sides of coin you can’t do without.  You cannot say you believe in God but has nothing to prove what you actually believed in. It must be substantiated with actions.
James tells us that we should always substantiate our faith by doing what we hear in the word of God. Albert Barnes says “If a man supposes that by a mere punctual attendance on preaching, or a respectful attention to it, he has done all that is required of him, he is labouring under a most gross self- deception.” Unfortunately these words of Barnes are true in the life of some Christians today. They are utterly regardless whether these words have any influence on their lives or not. This is mere hypocrisy. There must be a corresponding action to the faith we confess. We have so many church denominations but its effects are not seen in our daily lives. If we say we are Christians, we should be justified by our action not by our confession alone (Matt.7:21; Lk 11:28 & Rom. 2: 13).
Food for Thought: Is your faith justified by your confession and action
Memory verse: James 1 verse 22
Prayer: Lord God, make me a doer of your word and not hearer alone.

Faith And Action: Two Sides Of The Coin

Devotion for Saturday May 20, 2017
Topic: Faith And Action: Two Sides Of The Coin                      
Text: James 1:22
Faith without work is dead so says James in Jas 2:26. For anyone to become a faithful Christian, he/she must developed faith as a virtue in personal life and works. Today, Abraham is called the father of the faithful because by his works he proved his faith. God didn’t tell him where to go, but by the instruction to leave his father land, he left (Gen 12:4). Many of us today will argue with God to tell us where He is sending us. Great heroes and heroines of the Scriptures attained that status because of the faith they demonstrated in their walk with God. Faith goes with action. Both are two sides of coin you can’t do without.  You cannot say you believe in God but has nothing to prove what you actually believed in. It must be substantiated with actions.
James tells us that we should always substantiate our faith by doing what we hear in the word of God. Albert Barnes says “If a man supposes that by a mere punctual attendance on preaching, or a respectful attention to it, he has done all that is required of him, he is labouring under a most gross self- deception.” Unfortunately these words of Barnes are true in the life of some Christians today. They are utterly regardless whether these words have any influence on their lives or not. This is mere hypocrisy. There must be a corresponding action to the faith we confess. We have so many church denominations but its effects are not seen in our daily lives. If we say we are Christians, we should be justified by our action not by our confession alone (Matt.7:21; Lk 11:28 & Rom. 2: 13).
Food for Thought: Is your faith justified by your confession and action
Memory verse: James 1 verse 22
Prayer: Lord God, make me a doer of your word and not hearer alone.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Mind Your Utterances

Devotion for Friday May 19, 2017
Topic: Mind Your Utterances
Text: Numbers 14:26 – 35
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb. 10:31). Also see the warning in Matt 21:24. Provoking God is asking for trouble. It is like falling on a stone or the stone falling on someone. When you undermine the powers or mercies of God, He will show you that He is a consuming fire. He did it to Sodom and Gomorrah. He did it also to Goliath. On the contrary, God is full of mercies. He showed it to David and his descendants. May you not fall into the hands of living God rather may you enjoy His mercies in Jesus name.
God hates murmuring and complaining especially from people who have enjoyed His faithfulness. The Israelites tempted God, provoked Him and received rewards for their deeds. They condemned and ridiculed themselves and God honoured their word (Num. 14:28–34). This act of murmuring provoked God. It is a kind of indictment on God that He is not capable of protecting or leading them into the Promised Land. Again, by murmuring they try to shows that God’s words are not true. This was the reason God decided to honour their words of self-condemnation.
Have you enjoyed the mercies of God in form of healing, salvation, deliverance, protection, etc, and you are complaining or murmuring over immediate problem now, repent before the anger of God will come upon you. Beware of the kind of confession you make about your life; your marriage, your children, your job, your relationship, your dream, your spouse, etc. You can’t tell when you will use your negative confession to offend God and attract punishment.
Food for Thought: Beware of the confession you make about yourself.
Memory verse: Numbers 14 verse 29
Prayer: Help me, O Lord, never to murmur or complain against you no matter my present condition.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

The Imperative Of Inward Beauty

Devotion for Wednesday May 17, 2017 
Topic: The Imperative Of  Inward Beauty
Text: 1 Peter 3:4
God created us in His image. The beauty we portray shows how awesome our God is. He made us beautiful and handsome for His glory but these days, I wonder if being beautiful is a crime. The way most people use their beauty in wrong ways is a cause for concern. Most people spend time and enormous resources trying to beautiful themselves. All these are good only if they are targeted at glorifying God (1 Peter 3:4b).
Here, Peter challenged us especially women whose concern is always what to wear, style to sow, style of hair do, etc, to ensure that we are also “beautiful inside in our hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious to God” – Living Bible. John Wesley Notes gives insight into why this is precious in the sight of God when he said that “A meek spirit gives no trouble willingly to any: a quiet spirit bears all wrongs without being troubled.” Meekness is one virtue that is expected of us as Christian.
Do you attach the kind of importance, time and resources you give to your outward beauty to inward beauty? Beautifying our heart is through constant meditation on the word of God. This helps us overcome temptations and trial (Psalm 119:11), and also accommodate the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 3:16). How beautiful is your heart? Have you corrupted yours with malice, anger, bitterness, evil thoughts etc? If so, repent today. Let the beauty of your heart matter most to you than your outward beauty. 
Food for Thought: The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express. –Bacon
Memory verse: 1 Peter 3 verse 4
Prayer: God, make me beautiful within and help me to maintain inner beauty than my outward beauty in Jesus name.

Monday 15 May 2017

The Glory To Be Revealed

Devotion for Tuesday May 16, 2017
Topic: The Glory To Be Revealed
Text: Romans 8:17 – 25
The rigorous training and exercise sports men and women go through to enable them perform well at their best/peak, and if possible to win the ultimate price is similar to what is expected of us in Christian race. This was the idea Paul expressed in 1 Cor. 9:24–27. He summed it up by saying: “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” He had a goal and a vision, and was focused. Thus he developed self-discipline, self-control and willpower to succeed. This trio was his guide in life and his drive in heavenly race. But there is something more glorious that God has kept for us that run this heavenly race to the end and according to specifications (1 Cor. 2:9 & Isa. 64:4). Do you desire to be part of God’s glorious kingdom? Yes of course you do! However, do you know there are things that can make you lose focus? Can you mention about five of them? How can you overcome them to make heaven at last? There are sacrifices which we must make and also trials which we are called to endure in this Christian life. All these things are light and momentary, compared with the blessings which God will bestow upon us when we get to heaven. What are the sacrifices you are making now because you want to please God? What are the temptations you are enduring now? You may be enduring some trials of your faith now. Never mind all these, your reward will be more glorious at the end. Your faith will not disappoint you. Just keep trusting Him.
Food for Thought: How prepared are you for these things God has kept for us?
Memory verse: Romans 8 verse 18
Prayer: Lord God, prepare me for heaven and grant that I will not lose out from the future glory reserved for your people.

Thursday 11 May 2017

It Pays To Wait Upon God

Devotion for Friday May 12, 2017
Topic: It Pays To Wait Upon God
Text: John 5:1 – 9
The Psalmist said in Ps 130:5 that he will wait for the lord and hope in His word. Waiting upon God for salvation, healing and deliverance pays and none who does that, will ever be disappointed. Hannah was a woman that was seriously wounded by the taunting of Peninnah her mate (1 Samuel 1:1–18). Rather than gossip or quarrel with her, Hannah chose to wait on God to vindicate her which paid off with a special child – Samuel, a great prophet and many other children (1 Samuel 2:21).
Here is a pathetic story of a man sick for 38 years. Probably his people had abandoned him at the Pool of Bethsaida because they had given up on him. If he goes home, help is not there. If he stays, there is possibility of getting healed but no one there to assist him. Have people given up on you because of your evil ways, sin, sickness, etc? God will arise for you this season. God will remember you in Jesus name. However, the man preferred to stay, waiting patiently for the opportunity to step into the water even though there was nobody there to help him. Yet he will not go away.
Beloved, what is that problem confronting you now? Is it sickness, marriage, no child, quest for admission, job, etc? Just wait patiently on the Lord and He will answer you, and grant you the best. He did it for Zachariah and Elizabeth and also for many other people even in our world of today. Yours will not be an exception.
Food for Thought: Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet – Rousseau.
Memory verse: John 5 verse 7
Prayer: God, grant me the grace to perseverance and wait on you for my blessings in Jesus name.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Holy Spirit, Our Intercessor

Devotion for Thursday May 11, 2017
Topic: Holy Spirit, Our Intercessor
Text: Romans 8:26
Paul admonishes the Roman Christians on the imperative of the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Our understandings are weak, particularly in the things of God; our desires are weak and our prayers are weak. This is absolute truth about our relationship with God. Though our weaknesses are many, yet the Holy Spirit helps us in so many ways. Matthew Henry Concise Commentary states that “The Spirit, as an enlightening Spirit, teaches us what to pray for; as a sanctifying Spirit, works and stirs up praying graces; as a comforting Spirit, silences our fears, and helps us over all discouragements. The Holy Spirit is the spring of all desires toward God, which are often more than words can utter.”
Do you have this Holy Spirit in you? If not, ask God for this special and wonderful gift today and sure, He will gladly give you (Lk. 11:13). Are you discouraged with your level of prayer? Are you short of words to address your needs before God? Know that the Holy Spirit is your Helper. He intercedes for you. Just rely on Him. When you are weak, come into His presence with praise and allow the Holy Spirit to say the rest.
Food for Thought: Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue.
Memory verse: Romans 8 verse 26
Prayer: God, fill me with the Holy Spirit so He can use my tongue whenever I pray in Jesus name.

Use Your Gifts Efficiently

Devotion for Wednesday May 10, 2017
Topic: Use Your Gifts Efficiently
Text: Romans 12: 6 – 8         
God’s gifts differ in nature, power, and effectiveness according to His wisdom and graciousness, not according to our faith. He gives spiritual power necessary and appropriate to carry out each responsibility. God graciously bestows upon members of the church different talents and gifts, and we are to use them according to His will. It was never designed that all Christians should be equal as per talent. God designed that men should have different endowments. Everything is according to grace (favour) from God (2 Cor. 6:1) which should not be treated with disdain. Our role is to be faithful and to seek ways to serve others with what Christ has given us.
What are your gifts or talents? Here we have prophets, servers, teachers, encouragers, givers, leaders. It would be difficult for one person to embody all these gifts. Have you discovered them? How effectively are you using them to glorify God and serve humanity or are you hiding your talent? As Pastor, Teacher, Banker, Fashion Designer, Hair Dresser, Bible Study Teacher, Civil or Public Servant, etc, we all should use our gifts effectively and efficiently. Remember we will all give account of our stewardship here on earth no matter where you serve (Rom. 14:12).
Food for Thought: How effectively are you using what God gave you?
Memory verse: 1 Peter 4:10
Prayer: God, help me to understand what my gifts are and enable me to use them efficiently and effectively 

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Meekness: A Divine Virtue

Devotion for Tuesday May 9, 2017
Topic: Meekness: A Divine Virtue
Text: 2 Samuel 16:11
It takes a man who knows God to be meek and gentle. Such a man does not become angry easily and he is never proud. The meek enjoys the goodness of God and is always shielded from evil. Matt 5:5 says “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” If you desire to enjoy the goodness of this earth and unparalleled favour from God, you should imbibe into your life meekness and gentleness, and avoid anger (Prov. 19:11). David was running away from his son Absalom after a mutiny. At Bahurim, Shimei one of Saul’s kindred started cursing him (2 Sam 16:5 – 8). This angered Abishai who sought for permission to kill him for openly confronting and cursing King David. However, David being a meek man made the statement in our text. He saw what he was passing through as something God might have ordered because he sees himself as a sinner.
This act of David is a challenge for every one of us who wants to live righteously and make heaven especially in this age when prayer of some Christians is the death of their enemies. He was not offended rather he surrendered everything to God. This should be our standard as Christians. Do we not react harshly against people? What a world we will have if all the Christians should emulate David’s reaction here? Even Jesus challenged us in Matt 11:29. God lives in midst of meek and humble (Zeph. 3:12). Let all your actions and works be guided by what James said in Jas 3:13. As you show meekness and humility, God will fight for you as He did for David.     
Food for Thought: Proverbs 16:32
Memory verse: 2 Samuel 16 verse 11
Prayer: O God, grant me the spirit of meekness and humility, and help me to put off anger totally from my life.

Sunday 7 May 2017

God Is Our Stronghold

Devotion for Monday May 8, 2017 
Topic: God Is Our Stronghold
Text: Nahum 1:1 – 8
Our Lord is good and He manifests His goodness in various ways. God remembers mercy in the midst of judgment. Adam Clarke says, “None that trust in Him need be alarmed at these dreadful threatening; they shall be discriminated in the day of wrath, for the Lord knows them that trust in Him.” This is the evidence of His goodness. In our text, Nahum assures his people of safety in Jehovah under the impending attack of Sennacherib by saying that God is a stronghold in the day of trouble. God as a stronghold means that God alone is the one that can save them from the hands of Sennacherib.
In a time like this, we have so many challenges confronting us like Sennacherib confronted the Israelites. Note that God is our stronghold against all challenges of life (Ps 18:2). The challenge facing you may be healing, freedom from prison, securing a good job, getting someone to spend your life with, food to eat, etc. Remember, He never fails those who make Him their stronghold. 
Beloved, let the words in Zech. 9:12 encourage you. As you cling to your stronghold and believe His word, He will guide you rightly and perfect all that concerns you. He will always keep safe all entrusted to Him because He knows His own (2 Tim. 2:19) except you are not His own.   
Food for Thought: When you trust God sincerely you can never be frightened
Memory verse: Nahum 1 verse 7
Prayer: Lord, be my stronghold against the enemies’ attack on me and my family in Jesus name.

Awake From Sleep: Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020

MY DAILY COVENANT WITH GOD DEVOTIONAL Devotion for Friday October 9, 2020 Topic: Awake From Sleep                                Text...