Sunday 31 January 2016

FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY: Devotion for Monday February 1, 2016

FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY     Monday February 1, 2016

Text: 1 Peter 2:7 – 10                Memory verse: v 10

Jesus Christ is indeed precious – highly valued or esteemed. Not only is Christ precious to the Father (2:4), He is also precious to believers (2:7). Quoting from the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 8:14), Peter explained that not only were the builders who rejected the stone humiliated but it later became the cornerstone; they also had stumbled and fallen over it. Stumbled means tripping and falling, or it can mean taking offense at or rejecting something or someone. 2:9 contrasts our privilege and destiny with that of unbelievers (described in 2:8). We are a chosen people, a distinct group from the rest of the world, unified by the Holy Spirit. We are also a kingdom of priests, God’s holy nation (Ex 19:6). Being part of ‘priesthood’ is a high honour which made us somebody from nobody.

Think of it, if not for Christ, what would have been your condition today? Christians at one time had been rejected by God without any hope of mercy, but we are now people of God because He has chosen us (2:9) and we have received His mercy. ‘Mercy’ means God’s compassionate treatment of us even though we deserve the full measure of His justice. On the other hand, it is God that can turn our situations for good. He did it in life of Abraham, Jabez, David, etc; He will do it for you. You have worth because of what God does, not because of what you do. He will still do something that will single you out as indispensable in Jesus name. Live in this month and beyond with this honour. Happy New month!

Food for Thought: Do you know your worth as a Christian?

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for making me somebody in your eyes no matter what the world thinks about me.

Saturday 30 January 2016

WALK IN THE SPIRIT: Devotion for Sunday January 31, 2016

WALK IN THE SPIRIT         Sunday January 31, 2016

Text: Galatians 5:16 – 18         Memory verse: v 17

Paul acknowledges the great weakness of the godly, because they are but in part regenerated: but He exhorts them to remember that they are endued with the Spirit of God, who has delivered them from the slavery of sin, and from the Law, so that they should not give themselves to lusts. The more we obey the new nature, and follow the leading of the Spirit of grace, the more the power of indwelling sin and inbred corruption in us will be mortified and kept under check. Obedience to the Spirit enables us to walk in the Spirit because old nature and new nature cannot dwell together. They “Are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”

Walking in the Spirit is one of the best ways we can live lives that are pleasing to God. By pleasing God, we attract His blessings upon our lives. In this case it is best for us to walk in the Spirit. This we can do well by knowing what God wants us to do through the study of His words. When we have the word of God rooted in us, we will no longer be ignorant about what God expects from us. Are you walking in the flesh or in the Spirit?

Food for Thought: Walking in the Spirit makes us more like Christ

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to walk in the Spirit so as to mortify in me the indwelling sin and corruption of the flesh in Jesus name.

Friday 29 January 2016

HE WILL COMFORT YOU: Devotion for Saturday January 30, 2016

HE WILL COMFORT YOU        Saturday January 30, 2016

Text: Isaiah 51:1 – 3             Memory verse: v 3

It is good for those privileged to be born again, to consider that they were shaped in sin. This should cause us to have low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of divine grace we have received by our new birth. Our text is a call to a steadfast faith in the Lord. If we consider our present state, we will be discouraged. For this reason, God speaking through the prophet called on us to consider where and how we started. He also challenged us to look at the life of Abraham our father of faith and his wife Sarah how He increased them. He thus assured His people of His comfort in their troubled state with promise of restoration (Isaiah 51:3).

Beloved, God is a covenant keeping God. He that called us is faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9; Nehemiah 9:32). He called us for a purpose which amongst them is to increase us and comfort us. In this world, we are faced with so many challenges of life like sickness (some protracted), diverse wants, spiritual battles, etc. All these are what we face because we are still in the world. However, there is a place God has prepared for us that is void of all these challenges. In the interim however, He has assured us of His comfort (Psalm 102:13; Isaiah 40:1; 51:12; 52:9–10). What are your lacking now that everything seems to be like desert to you? He will make all to flourish again like the Garden of Eden; be it your health, finances, marriage, studies, etc. Hold on to Him.

Food for Thought: When God says something, He performs it.

Prayer: Lord, send your comfort to me in my troubled situations

Thursday 28 January 2016

SERVANTS OF SIN: Devotion for Friday January 29, 2016

SERVANTS OF SIN                  Friday January 29, 2016

Text: Romans 6:1 – 6                Memory verse: v 6

Paul expresses the necessity of holiness in life of Christians. He shows that justification and holiness are inseparable. He asked series of questions here (6:1–3) stressing that Christians should abhor the thought of continuing in sin. In view of the foregoing truths (Rom 5) and especially the fact that, where sin abounded, grace did much more abound, shall we continue to live in sin, that grace may the more abound? In 6:4, Paul exhorted that as Christians who have received the sacrament of baptism, we should walk in newness of life so as to be united with Christ in His resurrection (6:5). Baptism teaches the necessity of dying to sin, and being buried from all ungodly and unholy pursuits, and of rising to walk with God in newness of life.

Christians should know this fact that our old man (old nature of sin) has been crucified and what is crucified is dead. The reason for crucifying the old nature is to deliver us from being servants of sin. It is one thing to sin, and another thing to serve sin: To serve sin, is to yield willing obedience, to indulge ourselves in any presumptuous act or course of sin. It is prevalent of sin that destroys the sinner. Being in the flesh makes us to continue in sin and that displeases God. Are you still living in sin and serving it? The whole body of sin, whatever is not according to the holy law of God, must be done away with, so that we may no more be the slave of sin, but live to God, and find happiness in His service. 

Food for Thought: Continuing in sin makes our baptism unprofitable.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live a crucified life so I will no longer be a servant of sin.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

GOD HATES WICKEDNESS: Devotion for Thursday January 28, 2016

GOD HATES WICKEDNESS       Thursday January 28, 2016

Text: Psalm 45:6 – 9          Memory verse: v 7

God hates anything wickedness and He vexes His anger on anyone who practices wickedness. The bible has the stories of how God vexed His anger on people who perpetuated wickedness. The Psalmist reveals what the throne of God is. He didn’t restrain his adoration of Almighty God expressing what His Kingdom is made of. Scepter means royal authority or staff used as royal emblem. The emblem of our God is justice and righteousness. Because it is His nature being just and righteous, He hates wickedness (Ps 5:5; 33:5).   

There are some people who love to practice wickedness. They love it so much that if they have not made trouble with people, they are will not be happy. Wickedness comes in form of oppression, abuse of all kinds, willful sins, luring people into evil, telling lies, betrayal, etc. Christians should not practice or tolerate wickedness. For this reason Ps 97:10 admonishes us that we should hate wickedness as our God does. People who have no love find it easier to practice wickedness (1 Jn. 2:11; 3:15), Are you nursing any form of hatred for someone? Better repent of it now before devil will lead you into wicked act.

Action: If there is anyone who has offended you, make peace with the person today before devil will lead you into wicked act.  

Prayer:  God, make me love righteousness and hate wickedness as you do in Jesus name.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

IT RENEWS OUR HOPE: Devotion for Wednesday January 27, 2016

IT RENEWS OUR HOPE            Wednesday January 27, 2016

Text: Lamentation 3:21 – 36             Memory verse: v 21

Having stated his distress and temptations (3:1ff), Jeremiah shows what gave him courage and hope to stand firm as we have in our bible reading for today. Bad as things are, it is owing to the mercy of God that they are not worse. No wonder the admonition to give glorify to God in all situations (1 Thess. 5:18) God's compassion doesn’t fail; of this we have fresh instances every morning. Jeremiah affirmed that he had hope because God is his portion. God being his portion encouraged him in affliction, distress and temptation because the portion is forever. Affliction has made many humble and serious, and has weaned them from the world. If not, they would have been proud and unruly.

There are many things that can renew our hopes today as we pass through afflictions, distresses and temptations of life. They are the word of God (Bible), testimonies of people, direct revelation from God as we pray, etc. It is our duty, and will be our comfort and satisfaction, to hope and quietly to wait for the salvation of the Lord. David did it and admonished us to do same (Ps 42:5; 43:5; 78:7; 115:11). You may be going through afflictions, troubles, temptations or trials now. Be of good cheer and put all your hope on Him. The Lord is your strengthen and you will come out a better Christian in Jesus name.

Food for thought: Lamentation 3:24

Prayer: Lord, may I continue to hope on you no matter the severity of temptations, trials or trouble I am passing through.

Monday 25 January 2016

WHEN GOD REMEMBERS YOU: Devotion for Tuesday January 26, 2016

WHEN GOD REMEMBERS YOU      Tuesday January 26, 2016

Text: 2 Samuel 9:9 – 13      Memory verse: v 9

When God remembers us, He restores all we have lost and add more blessings for us. This was the case of Mephibosheth here. God used David to remember him. As a cripple, he was not counted as anything. The worst was the fact that his father was no more, he was a cripple and his brother was not on the throne. Things may have been so hard for him. But God was somewhere watching and He decided to honour him. 

Are you crippled in any form either physically, financially or spiritually and you have nobody to help you? God will remember you as He did for Mephibosheth in Jesus name. David restored to him all that belong to his father (9:9) and also commanded Ziba to serve him so that there will be provisions for his family. Ordinarily, properties acquired by Kings are transferred to their successors and not to their sons. This was the reason these properties were in David’s hands (2 Sam 12:8). But he restored them to Mephibosheth.  

David’s kindness to Mephibosheth reminds us of the kindness and love of God our Saviour to fallen man, to whom He was under no obligation, as David was to Jonathan. Yet God came down looking for us as David went looking for Mephibosheth. This is love. We should emulate this kind of act as Christians. Till date Jesus Christ seeks this lost and ruined race, who sought not after Him that He might save them. Are you willing to let Him in (Rev 3:20)?     

Food for Thought: A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.

Prayer: Lord, do remember me and restore all that I have lost through the fall of man.

Sunday 24 January 2016

WHAT IS YOUR SERVANT? Devotion for Monday January 25, 2016

WHAT IS YOUR SERVANT?      Monday January 25, 2016

Text: 2 Samuel 9:8                   Memory verse: v 8

Yesterday, we read how David sought for Mephibosheth and brought him to dine at his table just for the sake of Jonathan’s love for him. Family Bible Notes posited that “A conviction of unworthiness, and true gratitude for favours, tend greatly to increase the liberality and usefulness of the giver, and also the happiness and benefit of the receiver.” This statement was true in the case of Mephibosheth. The way David treated him surprised him which led to the topic of the day. His treatment of Mephibosheth shows David’s integrity as a leader who accepted his obligation to show love and mercy. His generous provision for Jonathan’s son goes beyond any political benefit he might have received. This benevolence from David humbled Mephibosheth.

It is good to have a humble heart under the undeserved providences. This also applies to our salvation. We deserved death by virtue of our sins but God in His love and mercies came and died for us. This should make us humble in whatever position we find ourselves. This led to the statements Paul made in 1 Corinthians 15:9 and Ephesians 3:8. Mephibosheth used the phrase, ‘a servant’ and ‘dead dog’ not because he was crippled but because he saw himself as a despised person; not worthy of such honour. Do you have a humbled heart? How do you feel about the gifts God has bestowed on you? A thankful heart is the greatest virtue. 

Food for Thought: The worship most acceptable to God comes from a thankful and cheerful heart.

Prayer: Lord God, grant me a thankful heart to always appreciate my salvation and works of mercies you do in my life.

Saturday 23 January 2016

ACT OF LOVE IS NEVER IN VAIN: Devotion for Sunday January 24, 2016

WORK OF LOVE IS NEVER IN VAIN     Sunday January 24, 2016

Text: 2 Samuel 9:1 – 7      Memory verse: v 3

Naturally, most kings will try to wipe out the families of their rivals in order to prevent any descendants from seeking the throne. But David showed kindness to Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul. David was kind, partly because of his loyalty to God’s previously anointed king (1 Sam 24:5-6) and mainly because of his vow to show kindness to all of Jonathan’s descendants (1 Sam 20:14–17). David did not forget the love and sacrifice Jonathan showed him. Do you forget the mercies God and people show you?

In the midst of numerous affairs, cares and worries of life, we are apt to forget the gratitude we owe, and some engagements we have to undertake, not only to our friends, but to God Himself. Yet people who are really godly will have no rest until they have discharged their vows and attend to their engagements. David made inquiry because he knew he owed a great deal of responsibility to the family of Jonathan in particular. Jonathan was David's sworn friend; therefore he shows kindness to his son Mephibosheth. 

God is ever faithful to us; let us not be unfaithful to one another. If Providence has raised us, and our friends and their families are brought low, we must look upon that as giving us the fairer opportunity of being kind to them. We can show kindness for love we have received from God by being more dedicated and committed to His service. And to those who have shown us love, we can pray for them always. When we do these, God will bless them and us, the more.

Food for Thought: “Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together” – Goethe.

Prayer: God, may I ever be grateful for love I have received from you and from people.

Friday 22 January 2016

CONTINUE IN FAITH: Devotion for Saturday January 23, 2016

CONTINUE IN FAITH    Saturday January 23, 2016

Text: Acts 11:19 – 24    Memory verse: v 23

The first preachers of the gospel at Antioch were people dispersed from Jerusalem by persecution; thus what was meant to hurt the church was made to work for its good. They concentrated on the Jews only (11:19) but some other preachers from Cyrene and Cyprus (in present North Africa) came also and preached to Gentiles in Antioch. Divine power attended their preaching and many believed the truth of the gospel (11:21). The Church at Jerusalem on hearing that the gospel had reached Antioch sent Barnabas to them.

Barnabas was a great link between the Jewish believers and Gentile believers. He was a wise choice to go to Antioch for a number of reasons. From Cyprus, he would have had a natural national connection with the evangelists who had started the movement in Antioch. Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. His name means “Son of Encouragement” (4:36), and he lived up to it as he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord. Barnabas came and confirmed what was earlier preached. He didn‘t try to show off as a ‘senior believer.’ Christians should partner one another in the gospel because we all are meant to work for Christ who owns the Church. Barnabas urged them that they should be firm and resolute in their new found faith despite trials and temptation that may come their way. Are you source of encouragement to people around you as Barnabas was?

Food for Thought: Barnabas lived up to his name. Are you living up to your name as a Christian?

Prayer: May I live up to my name as a Christian, O Lord, and source of encouragement to people around me in Jesus name.

Thursday 21 January 2016

HAND THEM OVER: Devotion for Friday January 22, 2016

HAND THEM OVER              Friday January 22, 2016

Text: Psalm 55:16 – 23        Memory verse: v 22

In Matt 7:7 and 8, Jesus told us to ask, seek and find, and it shall be given to us. He did not restrict our asking to certain number of times rather He enjoins us to ask as many times as we can (Lk. 18:1). The Psalmist enjoins us to do same (55:22) because he has been doing it and have always received answers from God. Here he testifies and gave God all the glory for redeeming him. He was emphatic about seeking the face of God because he has the assurance that God will sustain us. The reason God will answer us is because He does not permit the righteous to slip or fall. Lack of basic necessities can make us slip off the faith. This shows the mercies and loving kindness of God upon us.

God wants us to give our burdens to Him (Ps 37:5, 24; Matt 6:25; Lk 12:22; 1 Pet 5:7). Unfortunately, we often continue to bear them ourselves even when we say we are trusting in Him. If we believe in God, we should hand over our cares, worries, needs, anxieties, apprehensions, burden, etc to Him. Why will you continue to bear the burden you don’t even have solution to? Daily we trust God to wake us up and He does that. We should also trust the same strength that sustains us to carry our cares also. God is waiting for you. Believe Him as you go out today that He will surprise you.

Food for Thought: Dependence on God will keep the soul in peace.

Prayer: God, I bring my burden (mention it) to you for I know you care for me.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

ARE YOU CHRIST-LIKE? Devotion for Thursday January 21, 2016

ARE YOU CHRIST-LIKE?      Thursday January 21, 2016

Text: Philippians 1:27 – 30      Memory verse: v 27

Matthew Henry Concise Commentary says, “Those who profess the gospel of Christ should live as those who believe gospel truths, submit to gospel laws, and depend upon gospel promises.” The word translated conduct (New King James Version) or conversation (King James Version) denotes the conduct of citizens who seek the credit, safety, peace, and prosperity of their city. Our call as Christians places much demand on us. Paul charged the Philippians to ensure that their practices correspond with their profession. 

William Burkett asserts that “The gospel is a gospel of truth and faithfulness, of sincerity and plainness, so our conversation should be sincere and upright, without deceit or fraud; as the gospel is a gospel of peace, so a Christian conversation is a quiet, calm, and peaceable conversation.” Therefore, we should be men of peace, peace-makers, peace preservers, lovers of peace, and living in peace.

As Christians, we should reflect humility, understanding, gentleness, patience, peacefulness, strength, endurance, and gratitude to God in every aspect of our lives here on earth. This was what Christ exhibited and set them out for us as standard to follow. Early disciples were Christ-like and that gave them the name Christians (Acts 11:26). What can be said of your conduct? Are you Christ-like?

Food for Thought: The Scriptures give four names to Christians;-Saints, for their holiness; Believers, for their faith; Brethren, for their love; Disciples for their knowledge. - Andrew Fuller. Do you have these names?

Prayer: God, as I study at your feet daily, make me Christ-like in Jesus name.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

A HEART OF GRATITUDE: Devotion for Wednesday January 20, 2016

A HEART OF GRATITUDE           Wednesday January 20, 2016

Text: Psalm 66:13 – 20          Memory verse: v 20

From our text, we can see the importance of testimonies in our congregational worship. Here the psalmist says that the varied offering constitutes the vow (Lev. 22:18–23) he made to God when he was in trouble. Most people when faced with dangers, sicknesses and even death, make vows. This is very common. But when we make vows especially in time of distress, sickness or trouble, we should fulfill those vows (Eccl. 5:4 & 5). When God answers our prayers whether vows was made or not, we should testify to the people of God, of what He has done for us; how He heard and answered our prayers, inviting them to join us in prayer and praise. This will turn to our mutual comfort, and to the glory of God.

Here, the Psalmist expressed his gratitude to God for he prayed and got an answer from Him. When we pray in simplicity and godly sincerity, our prayers will be answered too. This should excite gratitude to Him who didn’t turn away our prayers or His mercy from us. Expression of gratitude is one best ways to receive more because it encourages God to do more for us. How grateful are you for all God has done for you? Think about it as you go forth into the world today. Take a retrospective view of your life and see if there are reasons to praise God.

Food for Thought: O Lord, I am very, very grateful, for all you have done for me, O Lord I am very, very grateful and I say thank you Jesus (Song)  

Prayer: Lord God, grant me a heart of gratitude in Jesus name.

Monday 18 January 2016

WEARYING GOD WITH SIN: Devotion for Tuesday January 19, 2016

WEARYING GOD WITH SIN           Tuesday January 19, 2016

Text: Isaiah 43:22 – 28                  Memory verse: v 24

A sacrifice required both giving up a valuable animal and pleading with God for forgiveness. But the people presented God with sins instead of sacrifices (43:24). This ironic picture shows the depths to which Israel had sunk that they commit their sin in the presence of God. What do you present to God; your sins or a plea for His forgiveness? Despite all these atrocities, God assures His people of forgiveness. For God, when He forgives our sins, He totally forgets them (43:25). We never have to fear that He will remind us of them later. Because God forgives our sins, we need to forgive others. Can anyone justify himself before God? Yet, out of mercy He calls on us to dialogue with Him so we may be acquitted if found not guilty (43:26 compare 1:18). 

How do we weary God with sin? When we come before Him often and refuse to repent of our sins or when we know we are living in sin and instead of repenting, we glory in them. These are some of the ways we weary God with our sins. Can you mention some other ways we weary God with our sins? Wearying God with our sins will definitely attract some unbearable consequences (43:28 compare Rom. 6:23). God exposed them to contempt and destruction and ours won’t be an exemption except we repent. Do you weary God with your sins?

Food for Thought: Malachi 2:17

Prayer: God, grant me a broken and contrite heart for my sins so I will repent of them and not to weary you with them any longer in Jesus name.

Sunday 17 January 2016

THE CALL OF ELISHA: Devotion for Monday January 18, 2016

THE CALL OF ELISHA                 Monday January 18, 2016

Text: 1 Kings 19:19 – 21             Memory verse: v 21

Elijah found Elisha by Divine direction, not in the schools of the prophets, but in the field; not reading, or praying, or sacrificing, but ploughing. Idleness doesn’t bring honour and husbandry isn’t a disgrace. No wonder the saying that “There is dignity in labour” and that dusty hand leads to oily mouth. The cloak was the most important article of clothing a person could own. It was used as protection against the weather, as bedding, as a place to sit, and as luggage. It could be given as a pledge for a debt or torn into pieces to show grief. Elijah put his cloak on Elisha’s shoulders to show that he would become Elijah’s successor.

Throwing the mantle on Elisha may be a method of calling someone into an office of a prophet or a servant which made Elisha to have responded the way he did in 19:20 and 21. Later, when the transfer of authority was complete, Elijah left his cloak for Elisha (2 Kings 2:11-14). By killing his oxen, Elisha made a strong commitment to follow Elijah. Without them, he couldn’t return to his life as a wealthy farmer. This meal was more than a feast among farmers. It was an offering of thanks to the Lord who chose Elisha to be His prophet. Elisha didn’t waste time to follow Elijah. It was instantaneous. He destroyed what would have enticed him to go back into farming. Have you parted with those things you were doing when God called you that can distract you from running the heavenly race well? If you have not done that, do something about it now.

Food for Thought: Luke 5:11

Prayer: Lord, cut off anything that distracts me from running this heavenly race well in Jesus name.

Saturday 16 January 2016

NO EXCUSE TO FAIL: Devotion for Sunday January 17 2016

NO EXCUSE TO FAIL   Sunday January 17 2016

Text: 1 King 19:9 – 18         Memory verse: v 10

The question God asked Elijah, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" is a reproof. The reason is that he left what he was called to do. He abandoned his duty post just because he felt his life was in danger. He complained of the people, and their obstinacy in sin; I only am left. Despair of success hinders many good enterprises. Most times, we ask ourselves the question God asked Elijah because we often ask whether we are in the right place of our duty. Am I where I should be? Elijah came to the mountain of the Lord and God met with him. Lord, not in the wind, earthquake and fire indicate that Elijah would not reform Israel by terrific outward displays of God’s power, but by the quiet persevering labours under the invisible and silent influences of His Spirit.     

Finally, God spoke and told him what to do (19:15–18). When we are fearful, discouraged, and desponding, we should go to God’s mountain. Running away will worsen our fears and thus we will not fulfill our call and ministry. God will not accept any excuse for failing to fulfill our ministry, Are you running away from what God has called you into; marriage, evangelism, going to preach to that ‘notorious criminal’, etc? Are you giving God excuses why you will not do His bidding? He does not accept excuses. Ask Him for grace to carry on, He will oblige you.

Food for Thought: When people neglect their duty, they are more likely to complain, find fault with others, and sink into despair.

Prayer: God, remove fear and excuses from my heart and strengthen me to do what you have called me to do in Jesus name.

Friday 15 January 2016

GOD KNOWS WHAT LIES AHEAD: Devotion for Saturday January 16, 2016

GOD KNOWS WHAT LIES AHEAD    Saturday January 16, 2016

Text: 1 Kings 19:5 – 8       Memory verse: v 7

God created us and knows everything about us. He is aware that we are feeble and nothing but dust. For these reasons, He shows us compassion upon our infirmities and sympathizes with us in our sorrows. Also when we are weak and in want, He sends relief. This was the case of Elijah here. He was greatly discouraged by the threat of Ahab and Jezebel, and had wished he had died as we read yesterday. Elijah needed refreshment after running away for his life, and God sent an angel to bring him what was necessary. Our God does not only show us sympathy but also empathizes with us.

Beloved, God knows what He created us for, though we do not have a fore knowledge of what services, what trials, what mission He has purposed for us. Certainly, He will take care of all He has called us into by ensuring that His grace is sufficient for us (compare 2 Corinthians 12:9). Elijah had his needs met and needed not to complain of the unkindness of men, when it was thus made up by the ministration of angels. Wherever God's children are, they are still under their father's eye. Are you suffering for the sake of God’s call to fulfill a duty? Never mind, He will strengthen and grant you enough grace to come out victorious. God never abandons us in our call and ministry (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Joshua 1:5).

Food for Thought: 1 Chronicle 28:20.

Prayer: God, strengthen me as I face discouragement doing your will.

Thursday 14 January 2016

REQUESTING FOR DEATH? Devotion for Friday January 15, 2016

REQUESTING FOR DEATH?    Friday January 15, 2016

Text: 1 Kings 19:1 – 4     Memory verse: v 4

It is natural with man to forget easily favours enjoyed previously when we are going through pains, trials, sickness, hardship, suffering, persecution or temptation. I have done it severally. However, when I do that, God will always deal with me with just few words, like the way He humbled Elijah here. Any instrument God is using for revival will definitely face oppositions. The person will become a lone voice and if such didn’t receive the needed support, will opt for death or will vehemently abandon the call. This was the case of Elijah. He might have asked, is God actually leading me? Again, he would have questioned himself saying if God is in this matter, why all these oppositions and threats? Moses and Jonah did similar thing (Numbers 11:15 & Jonah 4:3, 8).

It is so hard to control our impatience in affliction. Most of us are easily quick to speak negative things. Have you done this once? Elijah was quick to request for death. He did not ask of God first to know if there is any way out of the problem. This is how many of us have brought upon ourselves curses and problems. We can hardly seek the face of God in times of afflictions, difficulties and problems. Are you sick, going through trials, discouraged that your marriage is not working and you are now requesting for death? All those who requested for death including myself have been disappointed because we still have a ministry to fulfill. Beloved, it is not over with you. There are some things God still wants to use you to accomplish.

Food for Thought: When your ministry has not ended, no amount of threat, sickness or problem can take your life.

Prayer: Lord, strengthen me as I face oppositions and problems of life.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

PURSUE PEACE: Devotion for Thursday January 14, 2016

PURSUE PEACE      Thursday January 14, 2016

Text: Hebrews 12:12 – 17      Memory verse: v 13

There are expectations from us as Christian in our lives here on earth. These expectations are God’s standard and should be strictly adhered to. Anything short of that expectation will definitely become a hindrance to our qualification for heaven not minding our profession of Christianity. Two expectations from us; pursuing peace and holiness are in our bible reading for today. We are exhorted to strengthen one another because burden of affliction is apt to make the Christian's hands hang down, and his knees grow feeble, to dispirit and discourage him. It is our duty to help fellow Christians when they are weak.

We must try to live in peace with everyone, especially with our unbelieving neighbours and associates, as well as in harmonious relationships within the church. In addition to seeking peace, Christians must also seek to live a holy life. Holiness means devoted or consecrated to God’s service. In a practical way, our holiness means honouring God in how we treat others; friends, neighbours, spouse, children, even enemies and in how we run our businesses, finances, etc. Holiness causes the behaviour, thoughts, and attitudes of Christians to be different from unbelievers. Our holiness, provided for us by the death and resurrection of Christ, will allow us to see the Lord as He really is, when we go to be with Him forever. Do you desire to see God? Then you pursue peace and holiness.

Action: If there is anyone who has offended you or you have offended, go and make peace with the person today.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to live in peace and holiness in Jesus name.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

PEACEABLE FRUITS: Devotion for Wednesday January 13, 2016

PEACEABLE FRUITS       Wednesday January 13, 2016

Text: Hebrew 12:4 – 11        Memory verse: v 11

It is Robin Sharma’s opinion that, “All great work requires daily practice and endless patience.” Daily practices with patience are the things that can bring out the best in great men of exploits. The writer of this epistle exhorts us on the need for training and discipline in the life of Christians which will definitely lead to peaceable fruits of righteousness. The writer noted that from the gentle and moderate degree, and measure of their sufferings: they have not yet resisted unto shedding of blood in striving against sin (12:4). They were reminded that they have not suffered as much as some have suffered, noting that the essence of all these is to pass through the chastising of the Lord (12:5) which comes out of His (God’s) love for us (Hebrews 12:5–11).

Beloved, the chastisement of God yields, like a good tree, the good fruit of righteousness (Galatians 5:22, 23). It brings out the best in us just as passing of gold in fire makes it shine better. It’s never pleasant to be corrected and disciplined by God, but His discipline is a sign of His deep love for us. When God corrects us, see it as proof of His love, and ask Him what He is trying to teach you. What discipline are you going through at this moment? Therein are lessons that will lead you to righteousness. Do not resist it.

Food for Thought: Hebrew 12:6

Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to yield to your chastisement for my own good

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